2019-03-28 18:35:50 +00:00

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#pragma once
#include <Common/ColumnsHashingImpl.h>
#include <Common/Arena.h>
#include <Common/LRUCache.h>
#include <common/unaligned.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnFixedString.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnLowCardinality.h>
#include <Core/Defines.h>
#include <memory>
namespace DB
namespace ColumnsHashing
/// For the case when there is one numeric key.
/// UInt8/16/32/64 for any type with corresponding bit width.
template <typename Value, typename Mapped, typename FieldType, bool use_cache = true>
struct HashMethodOneNumber
: public columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<HashMethodOneNumber<Value, Mapped, FieldType, use_cache>, Value, Mapped, use_cache>
using Self = HashMethodOneNumber<Value, Mapped, FieldType, use_cache>;
using Base = columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<Self, Value, Mapped, use_cache>;
const char * vec;
/// If the keys of a fixed length then key_sizes contains their lengths, empty otherwise.
HashMethodOneNumber(const ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, const Sizes & /*key_sizes*/, const HashMethodContextPtr &)
vec = key_columns[0]->getRawData().data;
HashMethodOneNumber(const IColumn * column)
vec = column->getRawData().data;
/// Creates context. Method is called once and result context is used in all threads.
using Base::createContext; /// (const HashMethodContext::Settings &) -> HashMethodContextPtr
/// Emplace key into HashTable or HashMap. If Data is HashMap, returns ptr to value, otherwise nullptr.
/// Data is a HashTable where to insert key from column's row.
/// For Serialized method, key may be placed in pool.
using Base::emplaceKey; /// (Data & data, size_t row, Arena & pool) -> EmplaceResult
/// Find key into HashTable or HashMap. If Data is HashMap and key was found, returns ptr to value, otherwise nullptr.
using Base::findKey; /// (Data & data, size_t row, Arena & pool) -> FindResult
/// Get hash value of row.
using Base::getHash; /// (const Data & data, size_t row, Arena & pool) -> size_t
/// Is used for default implementation in HashMethodBase.
FieldType getKey(size_t row, Arena &) const { return unalignedLoad<FieldType>(vec + row * sizeof(FieldType)); }
/// Get StringRef from value which can be inserted into column.
static StringRef getValueRef(const Value & value)
return StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&value.getFirst()), sizeof(value.getFirst()));
/// For the case when there is one string key.
template <typename Value, typename Mapped, bool place_string_to_arena = true, bool use_cache = true>
struct HashMethodString
: public columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<HashMethodString<Value, Mapped, place_string_to_arena, use_cache>, Value, Mapped, use_cache>
using Self = HashMethodString<Value, Mapped, place_string_to_arena, use_cache>;
using Base = columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<Self, Value, Mapped, use_cache>;
const IColumn::Offset * offsets;
const UInt8 * chars;
HashMethodString(const ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, const Sizes & /*key_sizes*/, const HashMethodContextPtr &)
const IColumn & column = *key_columns[0];
const ColumnString & column_string = static_cast<const ColumnString &>(column);
offsets = column_string.getOffsets().data();
chars = column_string.getChars().data();
auto getKey(ssize_t row, Arena &) const
return StringRef(chars + offsets[row - 1], offsets[row] - offsets[row - 1] - 1);
static StringRef getValueRef(const Value & value) { return StringRef(value.getFirst().data, value.getFirst().size); }
friend class columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<Self, Value, Mapped, use_cache>;
static ALWAYS_INLINE void onNewKey([[maybe_unused]] StringRef & key, [[maybe_unused]] Arena & pool)
if constexpr (place_string_to_arena)
if (key.size) = pool.insert(, key.size);
/// For the case when there is one fixed-length string key.
template <typename Value, typename Mapped, bool place_string_to_arena = true, bool use_cache = true>
struct HashMethodFixedString
: public columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<HashMethodFixedString<Value, Mapped, place_string_to_arena, use_cache>, Value, Mapped, use_cache>
using Self = HashMethodFixedString<Value, Mapped, place_string_to_arena, use_cache>;
using Base = columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<Self, Value, Mapped, use_cache>;
size_t n;
const ColumnFixedString::Chars * chars;
HashMethodFixedString(const ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, const Sizes & /*key_sizes*/, const HashMethodContextPtr &)
const IColumn & column = *key_columns[0];
const ColumnFixedString & column_string = static_cast<const ColumnFixedString &>(column);
n = column_string.getN();
chars = &column_string.getChars();
StringRef getKey(size_t row, Arena &) const { return StringRef(&(*chars)[row * n], n); }
static StringRef getValueRef(const Value & value) { return StringRef(value.getFirst().data, value.getFirst().size); }
friend class columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<Self, Value, Mapped, use_cache>;
static ALWAYS_INLINE void onNewKey([[maybe_unused]] StringRef & key, [[maybe_unused]] Arena & pool)
if constexpr (place_string_to_arena) = pool.insert(, key.size);
/// Cache stores dictionaries and saved_hash per dictionary key.
class LowCardinalityDictionaryCache : public HashMethodContext
/// Will assume that dictionaries with same hash has the same keys.
/// Just in case, check that they have also the same size.
struct DictionaryKey
UInt128 hash;
UInt64 size;
bool operator== (const DictionaryKey & other) const { return hash == other.hash && size == other.size; }
struct DictionaryKeyHash
size_t operator()(const DictionaryKey & key) const
SipHash hash;
return hash.get64();
struct CachedValues
/// Store ptr to dictionary to be sure it won't be deleted.
ColumnPtr dictionary_holder;
/// Hashes for dictionary keys.
const UInt64 * saved_hash = nullptr;
using CachedValuesPtr = std::shared_ptr<CachedValues>;
explicit LowCardinalityDictionaryCache(const HashMethodContext::Settings & settings) : cache(settings.max_threads) {}
CachedValuesPtr get(const DictionaryKey & key) { return cache.get(key); }
void set(const DictionaryKey & key, const CachedValuesPtr & mapped) { cache.set(key, mapped); }
using Cache = LRUCache<DictionaryKey, CachedValues, DictionaryKeyHash>;
Cache cache;
/// Single low cardinality column.
template <typename SingleColumnMethod, typename Mapped, bool use_cache>
struct HashMethodSingleLowCardinalityColumn : public SingleColumnMethod
using Base = SingleColumnMethod;
enum class VisitValue
Empty = 0,
Found = 1,
NotFound = 2,
static constexpr bool has_mapped = !std::is_same<Mapped, void>::value;
using EmplaceResult = columns_hashing_impl::EmplaceResultImpl<Mapped>;
using FindResult = columns_hashing_impl::FindResultImpl<Mapped>;
static HashMethodContextPtr createContext(const HashMethodContext::Settings & settings)
return std::make_shared<LowCardinalityDictionaryCache>(settings);
ColumnRawPtrs key_columns;
const IColumn * positions = nullptr;
size_t size_of_index_type = 0;
/// saved hash is from current column or from cache.
const UInt64 * saved_hash = nullptr;
/// Hold dictionary in case saved_hash is from cache to be sure it won't be deleted.
ColumnPtr dictionary_holder;
/// Cache AggregateDataPtr for current column in order to decrease the number of hash table usages.
columns_hashing_impl::MappedCache<Mapped> mapped_cache;
PaddedPODArray<VisitValue> visit_cache;
/// If initialized column is nullable.
bool is_nullable = false;
static const ColumnLowCardinality & getLowCardinalityColumn(const IColumn * low_cardinality_column)
auto column = typeid_cast<const ColumnLowCardinality *>(low_cardinality_column);
if (!column)
throw Exception("Invalid aggregation key type for HashMethodSingleLowCardinalityColumn method. "
"Excepted LowCardinality, got " + column->getName(), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return *column;
const ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns_low_cardinality, const Sizes & key_sizes, const HashMethodContextPtr & context)
: Base({getLowCardinalityColumn(key_columns_low_cardinality[0]).getDictionary().getNestedNotNullableColumn().get()}, key_sizes, context)
auto column = &getLowCardinalityColumn(key_columns_low_cardinality[0]);
if (!context)
throw Exception("Cache wasn't created for HashMethodSingleLowCardinalityColumn",
LowCardinalityDictionaryCache * cache;
if constexpr (use_cache)
cache = typeid_cast<LowCardinalityDictionaryCache *>(context.get());
if (!cache)
const auto & cached_val = *context;
throw Exception("Invalid type for HashMethodSingleLowCardinalityColumn cache: "
+ demangle(typeid(cached_val).name()), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
auto * dict = column->getDictionary().getNestedNotNullableColumn().get();
is_nullable = column->getDictionary().nestedColumnIsNullable();
key_columns = {dict};
bool is_shared_dict = column->isSharedDictionary();
typename LowCardinalityDictionaryCache::DictionaryKey dictionary_key;
typename LowCardinalityDictionaryCache::CachedValuesPtr cached_values;
if (is_shared_dict)
dictionary_key = {column->getDictionary().getHash(), dict->size()};
if constexpr (use_cache)
cached_values = cache->get(dictionary_key);
if (cached_values)
saved_hash = cached_values->saved_hash;
dictionary_holder = cached_values->dictionary_holder;
saved_hash = column->getDictionary().tryGetSavedHash();
dictionary_holder = column->getDictionaryPtr();
if constexpr (use_cache)
if (is_shared_dict)
cached_values = std::make_shared<typename LowCardinalityDictionaryCache::CachedValues>();
cached_values->saved_hash = saved_hash;
cached_values->dictionary_holder = dictionary_holder;
cache->set(dictionary_key, cached_values);
if constexpr (has_mapped)
VisitValue empty(VisitValue::Empty);
visit_cache.assign(key_columns[0]->size(), empty);
size_of_index_type = column->getSizeOfIndexType();
positions = column->getIndexesPtr().get();
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t getIndexAt(size_t row) const
switch (size_of_index_type)
case sizeof(UInt8): return static_cast<const ColumnUInt8 *>(positions)->getElement(row);
case sizeof(UInt16): return static_cast<const ColumnUInt16 *>(positions)->getElement(row);
case sizeof(UInt32): return static_cast<const ColumnUInt32 *>(positions)->getElement(row);
case sizeof(UInt64): return static_cast<const ColumnUInt64 *>(positions)->getElement(row);
default: throw Exception("Unexpected size of index type for low cardinality column.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
/// Get the key from the key columns for insertion into the hash table.
ALWAYS_INLINE auto getKey(size_t row, Arena & pool) const
return Base::getKey(getIndexAt(row), pool);
template <typename Data>
ALWAYS_INLINE EmplaceResult emplaceKey(Data & data, size_t row_, Arena & pool)
size_t row = getIndexAt(row_);
if (is_nullable && row == 0)
visit_cache[row] = VisitValue::Found;
bool has_null_key = data.hasNullKeyData();
data.hasNullKeyData() = true;
if constexpr (has_mapped)
return EmplaceResult(data.getNullKeyData(), mapped_cache[0], !has_null_key);
return EmplaceResult(!has_null_key);
if (visit_cache[row] == VisitValue::Found)
if constexpr (has_mapped)
return EmplaceResult(mapped_cache[row], mapped_cache[row], false);
return EmplaceResult(false);
auto key = getKey(row_, pool);
bool inserted = false;
typename Data::iterator it;
if (saved_hash)
data.emplace(key, it, inserted, saved_hash[row]);
data.emplace(key, it, inserted);
visit_cache[row] = VisitValue::Found;
if (inserted)
if constexpr (has_mapped)
new(&it->getSecond()) Mapped();
Base::onNewKey(it->getFirstMutable(), pool);
Base::onNewKey(*it, pool);
if constexpr (has_mapped)
mapped_cache[row] = it->getSecond();
return EmplaceResult(it->getSecond(), mapped_cache[row], inserted);
return EmplaceResult(inserted);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool isNullAt(size_t i)
if (!is_nullable)
return false;
return getIndexAt(i) == 0;
template <typename Data>
ALWAYS_INLINE FindResult findFromRow(Data & data, size_t row_, Arena & pool)
size_t row = getIndexAt(row_);
if (is_nullable && row == 0)
if constexpr (has_mapped)
return FindResult(data.hasNullKeyData() ? &data.getNullKeyData() : nullptr, data.hasNullKeyData());
return FindResult(data.hasNullKeyData());
if (visit_cache[row] != VisitValue::Empty)
if constexpr (has_mapped)
return FindResult(&mapped_cache[row], visit_cache[row] == VisitValue::Found);
return FindResult(visit_cache[row] == VisitValue::Found);
auto key = getKey(row_, pool);
typename Data::iterator it;
if (saved_hash)
it = data.find(key, saved_hash[row]);
it = data.find(key);
bool found = it != data.end();
visit_cache[row] = found ? VisitValue::Found : VisitValue::NotFound;
if constexpr (has_mapped)
if (found)
mapped_cache[row] = it->second;
if constexpr (has_mapped)
return FindResult(&mapped_cache[row], found);
return FindResult(found);
template <typename Data>
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t getHash(const Data & data, size_t row, Arena & pool)
row = getIndexAt(row);
if (saved_hash)
return saved_hash[row];
return Base::getHash(data, row, pool);
// Optional mask for low cardinality columns.
template <bool has_low_cardinality>
struct LowCardinalityKeys
ColumnRawPtrs nested_columns;
ColumnRawPtrs positions;
Sizes position_sizes;
template <>
struct LowCardinalityKeys<false> {};
/// For the case when all keys are of fixed length, and they fit in N (for example, 128) bits.
template <typename Value, typename Key, typename Mapped, bool has_nullable_keys_ = false, bool has_low_cardinality_ = false, bool use_cache = true>
struct HashMethodKeysFixed
: private columns_hashing_impl::BaseStateKeysFixed<Key, has_nullable_keys_>
, public columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<HashMethodKeysFixed<Value, Key, Mapped, has_nullable_keys_, has_low_cardinality_, use_cache>, Value, Mapped, use_cache>
using Self = HashMethodKeysFixed<Value, Key, Mapped, has_nullable_keys_, has_low_cardinality_, use_cache>;
using BaseHashed = columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<Self, Value, Mapped, use_cache>;
using Base = columns_hashing_impl::BaseStateKeysFixed<Key, has_nullable_keys_>;
static constexpr bool has_nullable_keys = has_nullable_keys_;
static constexpr bool has_low_cardinality = has_low_cardinality_;
LowCardinalityKeys<has_low_cardinality> low_cardinality_keys;
Sizes key_sizes;
size_t keys_size;
HashMethodKeysFixed(const ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, const Sizes & key_sizes, const HashMethodContextPtr &)
: Base(key_columns), key_sizes(std::move(key_sizes)), keys_size(key_columns.size())
if constexpr (has_low_cardinality)
low_cardinality_keys.positions.assign(key_columns.size(), nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < key_columns.size(); ++i)
if (auto * low_cardinality_col = typeid_cast<const ColumnLowCardinality *>(key_columns[i]))
low_cardinality_keys.nested_columns[i] = low_cardinality_col->getDictionary().getNestedColumn().get();
low_cardinality_keys.positions[i] = &low_cardinality_col->getIndexes();
low_cardinality_keys.position_sizes[i] = low_cardinality_col->getSizeOfIndexType();
low_cardinality_keys.nested_columns[i] = key_columns[i];
ALWAYS_INLINE Key getKey(size_t row, Arena &) const
if constexpr (has_nullable_keys)
auto bitmap = Base::createBitmap(row);
return packFixed<Key>(row, keys_size, Base::getActualColumns(), key_sizes, bitmap);
if constexpr (has_low_cardinality)
return packFixed<Key, true>(row, keys_size, low_cardinality_keys.nested_columns, key_sizes,
&low_cardinality_keys.positions, &low_cardinality_keys.position_sizes);
return packFixed<Key>(row, keys_size, Base::getActualColumns(), key_sizes);
/** Hash by concatenating serialized key values.
* The serialized value differs in that it uniquely allows to deserialize it, having only the position with which it starts.
* That is, for example, for strings, it contains first the serialized length of the string, and then the bytes.
* Therefore, when aggregating by several strings, there is no ambiguity.
template <typename Value, typename Mapped>
struct HashMethodSerialized
: public columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<HashMethodSerialized<Value, Mapped>, Value, Mapped, false>
using Self = HashMethodSerialized<Value, Mapped>;
using Base = columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<Self, Value, Mapped, false>;
ColumnRawPtrs key_columns;
size_t keys_size;
HashMethodSerialized(const ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, const Sizes & /*key_sizes*/, const HashMethodContextPtr &)
: key_columns(key_columns), keys_size(key_columns.size()) {}
friend class columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<Self, Value, Mapped, false>;
ALWAYS_INLINE StringRef getKey(size_t row, Arena & pool) const
return serializeKeysToPoolContiguous(row, keys_size, key_columns, pool);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void onExistingKey(StringRef & key, Arena & pool) { pool.rollback(key.size); }
/// For the case when there is one string key.
template <typename Value, typename Mapped, bool use_cache = true>
struct HashMethodHashed
: public columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<HashMethodHashed<Value, Mapped, use_cache>, Value, Mapped, use_cache>
using Key = UInt128;
using Self = HashMethodHashed<Value, Mapped, use_cache>;
using Base = columns_hashing_impl::HashMethodBase<Self, Value, Mapped, use_cache>;
ColumnRawPtrs key_columns;
HashMethodHashed(ColumnRawPtrs key_columns, const Sizes &, const HashMethodContextPtr &)
: key_columns(std::move(key_columns)) {}
ALWAYS_INLINE Key getKey(size_t row, Arena &) const { return hash128(row, key_columns.size(), key_columns); }
static ALWAYS_INLINE StringRef getValueRef(const Value & value)
return StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&value.first), sizeof(value.first));