For requests, only columns with request parameters are filled in, and the remaining columns are filled with default values (`0` or `NULL`). When the response arrives, the data from the response is added to the other columns.
-`type` ([Enum](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Event type in the ZooKeeper client. Can have one of the following values:
-`Request` — The request has been sent.
-`Response` — The response was received.
-`Finalize` — The connection is lost, no response was received.
-`event_date` ([Date](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The date when the event happened.
-`event_time` ([DateTime64](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The date and time when the event happened.
-`address` ([IPv6](../../sql-reference/data-types/domains/ — IP address of ZooKeeper server that was used to make the request.
-`port` ([UInt16](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The port of ZooKeeper server that was used to make the request.
-`session_id` ([Int64](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The session ID that the ZooKeeper server sets for each connection.
-`xid` ([Int32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The ID of the request within the session. This is usually a sequential request number. It is the same for the request row and the paired `response`/`finalize` row.
-`has_watch` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The request whether the [watch]( has been set.
-`op_num` ([Enum](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The type of request or response.
-`path` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The path to the ZooKeeper node specified in the request, or an empty string if the request not requires specifying a path.
-`data` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The data written to the ZooKeeper node (for the `SET` and `CREATE` requests — what the request wanted to write, for the response to the `GET` request — what was read) or an empty string.
-`is_ephemeral` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Is the ZooKeeper node being created as an [ephemeral](
-`is_sequential` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Is the ZooKeeper node being created as an [sequential](
-`version` ([Nullable(Int32)](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The version of the ZooKeeper node that the request expects when executing. This is supported for `CHECK`, `SET`, `REMOVE` requests (is relevant `-1` if the request does not check the version or `NULL` for other requests that do not support version checking).
-`requests_size` ([UInt32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The number of requests included in the multi request (this is a special request that consists of several consecutive ordinary requests and executes them atomically). All requests included in multi request will have the same `xid`.
-`request_idx` ([UInt32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The number of the request included in multi request (for multi request — `0`, then in order from `1`).
-`zxid` ([Int64](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — ZooKeeper transaction ID. The serial number issued by the ZooKeeper server in response to a successfully executed request (`0` if the request was not executed/returned an error/the client does not know whether the request was executed).
-`error` ([Nullable(Enum)](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — Error code. Can have many values, here are just some of them:
-`ZOK` — The request was executed seccessfully.
-`ZCONNECTIONLOSS` — The connection was lost.
-`ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT` — The request execution timeout has expired.
-`ZSESSIONEXPIRED` — The session has expired.
-`NULL` — The request is completed.
-`watch_type` ([Nullable(Enum)](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The type of the `watch` event (for responses with `op_num` = `Watch`), for the remaining responses: `NULL`.
-`watch_state` ([Nullable(Enum)](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The status of the `watch` event (for responses with `op_num` = `Watch`), for the remaining responses: `NULL`.
-`path_created` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The path to the created ZooKeeper node (for responses to the `CREATE` request), may differ from the `path` if the node is created as a `sequential`.
-`stat_czxid` ([Int64](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The `zxid` of the change that caused this ZooKeeper node to be created.
-`stat_mzxid` ([Int64](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The `zxid` of the change that last modified this ZooKeeper node.
-`stat_pzxid` ([Int64](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The transaction ID of the change that last modified childern of this ZooKeeper node.
-`stat_version` ([Int32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The number of changes to the data of this ZooKeeper node.
-`stat_cversion` ([Int32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The number of changes to the children of this ZooKeeper node.
-`stat_dataLength` ([Int32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The length of the data field of this ZooKeeper node.
-`stat_numChildren` ([Int32](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The number of children of this ZooKeeper node.
-`children` ([Array(String)](../../sql-reference/data-types/ — The list of child ZooKeeper nodes (for responses to `LIST` request).