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2020-07-29 23:09:47 +00:00
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <Common/PODArray.h>
#include <Common/HashTable/FixedHashMap.h>
#include <Common/Arena.h>
#include <Common/Stopwatch.h>
/** This test program evaluates different solutions for a simple degenerate task:
* Aggregate data by UInt8 key, calculate "avg" function on Float values.
* It tests the overhead of various data structures in comparison to the minimal code doing the same task.
* It also tests what does it cost to access aggregation state via single pointer indirection.
* Also it evaluate various ways to unroll the loop.
* And finally it compares with one solution involving bucket sort.
* How to use:
* for i in {1..10}; do src/Common/tests/average 100000000 1; done
* You will find the numbers for various options below.
using namespace DB;
using Float = Float32;
struct State
Float sum = 0;
size_t count = 0;
void add(Float value)
sum += value;
Float result() const
return sum / count;
bool operator!() const
return !count;
using StatePtr = State *;
Float NO_INLINE baseline_baseline(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
Arena arena;
HashMap<UInt8, StatePtr> map;
size_t size = keys.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i]];
if (unlikely(!place))
place = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
return map[0]->result();
Float NO_INLINE baseline(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
Arena arena;
FixedHashMap<UInt8, StatePtr> map;
size_t size = keys.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i]];
if (unlikely(!place))
place = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
return map[0]->result();
template <typename Key, typename Mapped>
using FixedImplicitZeroHashMap = FixedHashMap<
FixedHashMapImplicitZeroCell<Key, Mapped>>;
Float NO_INLINE implicit_zero(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
Arena arena;
FixedImplicitZeroHashMap<UInt8, StatePtr> map;
size_t size = keys.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i]];
if (unlikely(!place))
place = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
return map[0]->result();
template <typename Key, typename Mapped>
using FixedHashMapWithCalculatedSize = FixedHashMap<
FixedHashMapCell<Key, Mapped>,
FixedHashTableCalculatedSize<FixedHashMapCell<Key, Mapped>>>;
Float NO_INLINE calculated_size(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
Arena arena;
FixedHashMapWithCalculatedSize<UInt8, StatePtr> map;
size_t size = keys.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i]];
if (unlikely(!place))
place = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
return map[0]->result();
Float NO_INLINE implicit_zero_and_calculated_size(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
Arena arena;
FixedImplicitZeroHashMapWithCalculatedSize<UInt8, StatePtr> map;
size_t size = keys.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i]];
if (unlikely(!place))
place = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
return map[0]->result();
Float NO_INLINE init_out_of_the_loop(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
Arena arena;
FixedImplicitZeroHashMapWithCalculatedSize<UInt8, StatePtr> map;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
map[i] = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
size_t size = keys.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i]];
return map[0]->result();
Float NO_INLINE embedded_states(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
FixedImplicitZeroHashMapWithCalculatedSize<UInt8, State> map;
size_t size = keys.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
State & place = map[keys[i]];
return map[0].result();
Float NO_INLINE simple_lookup_table(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
Arena arena;
StatePtr map[256]{};
size_t size = keys.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i]];
if (unlikely(!place))
place = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
return map[0]->result();
Float NO_INLINE simple_lookup_table_embedded_states(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
State map[256]{};
size_t size = keys.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
return map[0].result();
template <size_t UNROLL_COUNT>
Float NO_INLINE unrolled(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
Arena arena;
FixedImplicitZeroHashMapWithCalculatedSize<UInt8, StatePtr> map;
size_t size = keys.size();
size_t i = 0;
size_t size_unrolled = size / UNROLL_COUNT * UNROLL_COUNT;
for (; i < size_unrolled; i += UNROLL_COUNT)
StatePtr places[UNROLL_COUNT];
for (size_t j = 0; j < UNROLL_COUNT; ++j)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i + j]];
if (unlikely(!place))
place = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
places[j] = place;
for (size_t j = 0; j < UNROLL_COUNT; ++j)
places[j]->add(values[i + j]);
for (; i < size; ++i)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i]];
if (unlikely(!place))
place = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
return map[0]->result();
template <size_t UNROLL_COUNT>
Float NO_INLINE simple_lookup_table_unrolled(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
Arena arena;
StatePtr map[256]{};
size_t size = keys.size();
size_t i = 0;
size_t size_unrolled = size / UNROLL_COUNT * UNROLL_COUNT;
for (; i < size_unrolled; i += UNROLL_COUNT)
StatePtr places[UNROLL_COUNT];
for (size_t j = 0; j < UNROLL_COUNT; ++j)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i + j]];
if (unlikely(!place))
place = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
places[j] = place;
for (size_t j = 0; j < UNROLL_COUNT; ++j)
places[j]->add(values[i + j]);
for (; i < size; ++i)
StatePtr & place = map[keys[i]];
if (unlikely(!place))
place = new (arena.alloc<State>()) State();
return map[0]->result();
template <size_t UNROLL_COUNT>
Float NO_INLINE embedded_states_unrolled(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
FixedImplicitZeroHashMapWithCalculatedSize<UInt8, State> map;
size_t size = keys.size();
size_t i = 0;
size_t size_unrolled = size / UNROLL_COUNT * UNROLL_COUNT;
for (; i < size_unrolled; i += UNROLL_COUNT)
StatePtr places[UNROLL_COUNT];
for (size_t j = 0; j < UNROLL_COUNT; ++j)
places[j] = &map[keys[i + j]];
for (size_t j = 0; j < UNROLL_COUNT; ++j)
places[j]->add(values[i + j]);
for (; i < size; ++i)
State & place = map[keys[i]];
return map[0].result();
template <size_t UNROLL_COUNT>
Float NO_INLINE simple_lookup_table_embedded_states_unrolled(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
State map[256]{};
size_t size = keys.size();
size_t i = 0;
size_t size_unrolled = size / UNROLL_COUNT * UNROLL_COUNT;
for (; i < size_unrolled; i += UNROLL_COUNT)
StatePtr places[UNROLL_COUNT];
for (size_t j = 0; j < UNROLL_COUNT; ++j)
places[j] = &map[keys[i + j]];
for (size_t j = 0; j < UNROLL_COUNT; ++j)
places[j]->add(values[i + j]);
for (; i < size; ++i)
State & place = map[keys[i]];
return map[0].result();
template <size_t UNROLL_COUNT>
Float NO_INLINE microsort(const PODArray<UInt8> & keys, const PODArray<Float> & values)
State map[256]{};
size_t size = keys.size();
/// Calculate histograms of keys.
using CountType = UInt32;
static constexpr size_t HISTOGRAM_SIZE = 256;
size_t unrolled_size = size / UNROLL_COUNT * UNROLL_COUNT;
for (const UInt8 * elem =; elem < + unrolled_size; elem += UNROLL_COUNT)
for (size_t i = 0; i < UNROLL_COUNT; ++i)
++count[i * HISTOGRAM_SIZE + elem[i]];
for (const UInt8 * elem = + unrolled_size; elem < + size; ++elem)
for (size_t i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; ++i)
for (size_t j = 1; j < UNROLL_COUNT; ++j)
count[i] += count[j * HISTOGRAM_SIZE + i];
/// Row indices in a batch for each key.
PODArray<UInt32> indices(size);
UInt32 * positions[HISTOGRAM_SIZE];
positions[0] =;
for (size_t i = 1; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; ++i)
positions[i] = positions[i - 1] + count[i - 1];
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
*positions[keys[i]]++ = i;
/// Update states.
UInt32 * idx =;
for (size_t i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; ++i)
for (; idx < positions[i]; ++idx)
return map[0].result();
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
size_t size = argc > 1 ? std::stoull(argv[1]) : 1000000000;
size_t variant = argc > 2 ? std::stoull(argv[2]) : 1;
PODArray<UInt8> keys(size);
PODArray<Float> values(size);
/// Fill source data
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
keys[i] = __builtin_ctz(i + 1); /// Make keys to have just slightly more realistic distribution.
values[i] = i; /// The distribution of values does not affect execution speed.
/// Aggregate
Stopwatch watch;
Float res;
switch (variant)
case 0: res = baseline(keys, values); break;
case 1: res = implicit_zero(keys, values); break;
case 2: res = calculated_size(keys, values); break;
case 3: res = implicit_zero_and_calculated_size(keys, values); break;
case 4: res = init_out_of_the_loop(keys, values); break;
case 5: res = embedded_states(keys, values); break;
case 6: res = simple_lookup_table(keys, values); break;
case 7: res = simple_lookup_table_embedded_states(keys, values); break;
case 8: res = microsort<1>(keys, values); break;
case 9: res = baseline_baseline(keys, values); break;
case 32: res = unrolled<2>(keys, values); break;
case 34: res = unrolled<4>(keys, values); break;
case 36: res = unrolled<6>(keys, values); break;
case 38: res = unrolled<8>(keys, values); break;
case 316: res = unrolled<16>(keys, values); break;
case 52: res = embedded_states_unrolled<2>(keys, values); break;
case 54: res = embedded_states_unrolled<4>(keys, values); break;
case 56: res = embedded_states_unrolled<6>(keys, values); break;
case 58: res = embedded_states_unrolled<8>(keys, values); break;
case 516: res = embedded_states_unrolled<16>(keys, values); break;
case 62: res = simple_lookup_table_unrolled<2>(keys, values); break;
case 64: res = simple_lookup_table_unrolled<4>(keys, values); break;
case 66: res = simple_lookup_table_unrolled<6>(keys, values); break;
case 68: res = simple_lookup_table_unrolled<8>(keys, values); break;
case 616: res = simple_lookup_table_unrolled<16>(keys, values); break;
case 72: res = simple_lookup_table_embedded_states_unrolled<2>(keys, values); break;
case 74: res = simple_lookup_table_embedded_states_unrolled<4>(keys, values); break;
case 76: res = simple_lookup_table_embedded_states_unrolled<6>(keys, values); break;
case 78: res = simple_lookup_table_embedded_states_unrolled<8>(keys, values); break;
case 716: res = simple_lookup_table_embedded_states_unrolled<16>(keys, values); break;
case 82: res = microsort<2>(keys, values); break;
case 84: res = microsort<4>(keys, values); break;
case 86: res = microsort<6>(keys, values); break;
case 88: res = microsort<8>(keys, values); break;
case 816: res = microsort<16>(keys, values); break;
default: break;
fmt::print("Aggregated (res = {}) in {} sec., {} million rows/sec., {} MiB/sec.\n",
size_t(size / watch.elapsedSeconds() / 1000000),
size_t(size * (sizeof(Float) + sizeof(UInt8)) / watch.elapsedSeconds() / 1000000));
return 0;