52 KiB
KQL implemented features
October 9, 2022
- distinct
Customers | distinct *
Customers | distinct Occupation
Customers | distinct Occupation, Education
Customers | where Age <30 | distinct Occupation, Education
Customers | where Age <30 | order by Age| distinct Occupation, Education
String functions
print reverse(123)
print reverse(123.34)
print reverse('clickhouse')
print reverse(3h)
print reverse(datetime(2017-1-1 12:23:34))
print parse_command_line('echo \"hello world!\" print$?', \"Windows\")
print result=parse_csv('aa,b,cc')
print result_multi_record=parse_csv('record1,a,b,c\nrecord2,x,y,z')
print parse_json( dynamic([1, 2, 3]))
print parse_json('{"a":123.5, "b":"{\\"c\\":456}"}')
print extract_json( "$.a" , '{"a":123, "b":"{\\"c\\":456}"}' , typeof(int))
print parse_version('1')
print parse_version('')
Bug fixed
correct array index in expression
array index should start with 0 -
Summarize should generate alias or use correct columns
- if bin is used , the column should be in select list if no alias include
- if no column included in aggregate functions, ( like count() ), should has alias with fun name + '',e.g count
- if column name included in aggregate functions, should have fun name + "_" + column name , like count(Age) -> count_Age
- if argument of an aggregate functions is an exprision, Columns1 ... Columnsn should be used as alias
Customers | summarize count() by bin(Age, 10) ┌─Age─┬─count_─┐ │ 40 │ 2 │ │ 20 │ 6 │ │ 30 │ 4 │ └─────┴────────┘ Customers | summarize count(Age) by bin(Age, 10) ┌─Age─┬─count_Age─┐ │ 40 │ 2 │ │ 20 │ 6 │ │ 30 │ 4 │ └─────┴───────────┘ Customers | summarize count(Age+1) by bin(Age+1, 10) ┌─Columns1─┬─count_─┐ │ 40 │ 2 │ │ 20 │ 6 │ │ 30 │ 4 │ └──────────┴────────┘
September 26, 2022
Bug fixed :
"select * from kql" results in syntax error
Parsing ipv4 with arrayStringConcat throws exception
CH Client crashes on invalid function name
extract() doesn't work right with 4th argument i.e typeof()
parse_ipv6_mask return incorrect results
timespan returns wrong output in seconds
timespan doesn't work for nanoseconds and tick
totimespan() doesn't work for nanoseconds and tick timespan unit
data types should throw exception in certain cases
decimal does not support scientific notation
extend statement causes client core dumping
extend crashes with array sorting
Core dump happens when WHERE keyword doesn't follow field name
Null values are missing in the result of `make_list_with_nulls'
trim functions use non-unique aliases
format_ipv4_mask returns incorrect mask value
September 12, 2022
Extend operator
T | extend T | extend duration = endTime - startTime
T | project endTime, startTime | extend duration = endTime - startTime
Array functions
print array_reverse(dynamic(["this", "is", "an", "example"])) == dynamic(["example","an","is","this"])
print array_rotate_left(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), 2) == dynamic([3,4,5,1,2])
print array_rotate_left(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), -2) == dynamic([4,5,1,2,3])
print array_rotate_right(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), -2) == dynamic([3,4,5,1,2])
print array_rotate_right(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), 2) == dynamic([4,5,1,2,3])
print array_shift_left(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), 2) == dynamic([3,4,5,null,null])
print array_shift_left(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), -2) == dynamic([null,null,1,2,3])
print array_shift_left(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), 2, -1) == dynamic([3,4,5,-1,-1])
print array_shift_left(dynamic(['a', 'b', 'c']), 2) == dynamic(['c','',''])
print array_shift_right(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), -2) == dynamic([3,4,5,null,null])
print array_shift_right(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), 2) == dynamic([null,null,1,2,3])
print array_shift_right(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), -2, -1) == dynamic([3,4,5,-1,-1])
print array_shift_right(dynamic(['a', 'b', 'c']), -2) == dynamic(['c','',''])
print x = 1, y = x * 2, z = y * 2, pack_array(x,y,z)
Please note that only arrays of elements of the same type may be created at this time. The underlying reasons are explained under the release note section of the
data type. -
print repeat(1, 0) == dynamic([])
print repeat(1, 3) == dynamic([1, 1, 1])
print repeat("asd", 3) == dynamic(['asd', 'asd', 'asd'])
print repeat(timespan(1d), 3) == dynamic([86400, 86400, 86400])
print repeat(true, 3) == dynamic([true, true, true])
print zip(dynamic([1,3,5]), dynamic([2,4,6]))
Please note that only arrays of the same type are supported in our current implementation. The underlying reasons are explained under the release note section of the
data type.
Data types
print isnull(dynamic(null))
print dynamic(1) == 1
print dynamic(timespan(1d)) == 86400
print dynamic([1, 2, 3])
print dynamic([[1], [2], [3]])
print dynamic(['a', "b", 'c'])
According to the KQL specifications
is a literal, which means that no function calls are permitted. Expressions producing literals such asdatetime
and their aliases (ie.date
, respectively) along with nesteddynamic
literals are allowed.Please note that our current implementation supports only scalars and arrays made up of elements of the same type. Support for mixed types and property bags is deferred for now, based on our understanding of the required effort and discussion with representatives of the QRadar team.
Mathematical functions
- isnan
print isnan(double(nan)) == true
print isnan(4.2) == false
print isnan(4) == false
print isnan(real(+inf)) == false
Set functions
Please note that functions returning arrays with set semantics may return them in any particular order, which may be subject to change in the future.
print jaccard_index(dynamic([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]), dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4])) == 0.75
print jaccard_index(dynamic([1, 2, 3]), dynamic([])) == 0
print jaccard_index(dynamic([]), dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4])) == 0
print isnan(jaccard_index(dynamic([]), dynamic([])))
print jaccard_index(dynamic([1, 2, 3]), dynamic([4, 5, 6, 7])) == 0
print jaccard_index(dynamic(['a', 's', 'd']), dynamic(['f', 'd', 's', 'a'])) == 0.75
print jaccard_index(dynamic(['Chewbacca', 'Darth Vader', 'Han Solo']), dynamic(['Darth Sidious', 'Darth Vader'])) == 0.25
print set_difference(dynamic([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]), dynamic([1, 2, 3])) == dynamic([])
print array_sort_asc(set_difference(dynamic([1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6]), dynamic([1, 2, 3])))[1] == dynamic([4, 5, 6])
print set_difference(dynamic([4]), dynamic([1, 2, 3])) == dynamic([4])
print array_sort_asc(set_difference(dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), dynamic([5]), dynamic([2, 4])))[1] == dynamic([1, 3])
print array_sort_asc(set_difference(dynamic([1, 2, 3]), dynamic([])))[1] == dynamic([1, 2, 3])
print array_sort_asc(set_difference(dynamic(['a', 's', 'd']), dynamic(['a', 'f'])))[1] == dynamic(['d', 's'])
print array_sort_asc(set_difference(dynamic(['Chewbacca', 'Darth Vader', 'Han Solo']), dynamic(['Darth Sidious', 'Darth Vader'])))[1] == dynamic(['Chewbacca', 'Han Solo'])
print set_has_element(dynamic(["this", "is", "an", "example"]), "example") == true
print set_has_element(dynamic(["this", "is", "an", "example"]), "test") == false
print set_has_element(dynamic([1, 2, 3]), 2) == true
print set_has_element(dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4.2]), 4) == false
print array_sort_asc(set_intersect(dynamic([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]), dynamic([1, 2, 3])))[1] == dynamic([1, 2, 3])
print array_sort_asc(set_intersect(dynamic([1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6]), dynamic([1, 2, 3])))[1] == dynamic([1, 2, 3])
print set_intersect(dynamic([4]), dynamic([1, 2, 3])) == dynamic([])
print set_intersect(dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), dynamic([1, 3, 5]), dynamic([2, 5])) == dynamic([5])
print set_intersect(dynamic([1, 2, 3]), dynamic([])) == dynamic([])
print set_intersect(dynamic(['a', 's', 'd']), dynamic(['a', 'f'])) == dynamic(['a'])
print set_intersect(dynamic(['Chewbacca', 'Darth Vader', 'Han Solo']), dynamic(['Darth Sidious', 'Darth Vader'])) == dynamic(['Darth Vader'])
print array_sort_asc(set_union(dynamic([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]), dynamic([1, 2, 3])))[1] == dynamic([1, 2, 3])
print array_sort_asc(set_union(dynamic([1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6]), dynamic([1, 2, 3])))[1] == dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
print array_sort_asc(set_union(dynamic([4]), dynamic([1, 2, 3])))[1] == dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4])
print array_sort_asc(set_union(dynamic([1, 3, 4]), dynamic([5]), dynamic([2, 4])))[1] == dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
print array_sort_asc(set_union(dynamic([1, 2, 3]), dynamic([])))[1] == dynamic([1, 2, 3])
print array_sort_asc(set_union(dynamic(['a', 's', 'd']), dynamic(['a', 'f'])))[1] == dynamic(['a', 'd', 'f', 's'])
print array_sort_asc(set_union(dynamic(['Chewbacca', 'Darth Vader', 'Han Solo']), dynamic(['Darth Sidious', 'Darth Vader'])))[1] == dynamic(['Chewbacca', 'Darth Sidious', 'Darth Vader', 'Han Solo'])
August 29, 2022
mv-expand operator
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/mvexpandoperator Note: expand on array columns only
- test cases
CREATE TABLE T ( a UInt8, b Array(String), c Array(Int8), d Array(Int8) ) ENGINE = Memory; INSERT INTO T VALUES (1, ['Salmon', 'Steak','Chicken'],[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]) T | mv-expand c T | mv-expand c, d T | mv-expand b | mv-expand c T | mv-expand c to typeof(bool) T | mv-expand with_itemindex=index b, c, d T | mv-expand array_concat(c,d) T | mv-expand x = c, y = d T | mv-expand xy = array_concat(c, d) T | mv-expand with_itemindex=index c,d to typeof(bool)
make-series operator
- test case make-series on datetime column
Have from and toCREATE TABLE T ( Supplier Nullable(String), Fruit String , Price Float64, Purchase Date ) ENGINE = Memory; INSERT INTO T VALUES ('Aldi','Apple',4,'2016-09-10'); INSERT INTO T VALUES ('Costco','Apple',2,'2016-09-11'); INSERT INTO T VALUES ('Aldi','Apple',6,'2016-09-10'); INSERT INTO T VALUES ('Costco','Snargaluff',100,'2016-09-12'); INSERT INTO T VALUES ('Aldi','Apple',7,'2016-09-12'); INSERT INTO T VALUES ('Aldi','Snargaluff',400,'2016-09-11'); INSERT INTO T VALUES ('Costco','Snargaluff',104,'2016-09-12'); INSERT INTO T VALUES ('Aldi','Apple',5,'2016-09-12'); INSERT INTO T VALUES ('Aldi','Snargaluff',600,'2016-09-11'); INSERT INTO T VALUES ('Costco','Snargaluff',200,'2016-09-10');
Has from , without toT | make-series PriceAvg = avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase from datetime(2016-09-10) to datetime(2016-09-13) step 1d by Supplier, Fruit
Without from , has toT | make-series PriceAvg = avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase from datetime(2016-09-10) step 1d by Supplier, Fruit
Without from , without toT | make-series PriceAvg = avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase to datetime(2016-09-13) step 1d by Supplier, Fruit
Without by clauseT | make-series PriceAvg = avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase step 1d by Supplier, Fruit
Without aggregation aliasT | make-series PriceAvg = avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase step 1d
Has group expression aliasT | make-series avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase step 1d by Supplier, Fruit
Use different step valueT | make-series avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase step 1d by Supplier_Name = Supplier, Fruit
T | make-series PriceAvg = avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase from datetime(2016-09-10) to datetime(2016-09-13) step 3d by Supplier, Fruit
- test case make-series on numeric column
Have from and toCREATE TABLE T2 ( Supplier Nullable(String), Fruit String , Price Int32, Purchase Int32 ) ENGINE = Memory; INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Aldi','Apple',4,10); INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Costco','Apple',2,11); INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Aldi','Apple',6,10); INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Costco','Snargaluff',100,12); INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Aldi','Apple',7,12); INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Aldi','Snargaluff',400,11); INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Costco','Snargaluff',104,12); INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Aldi','Apple',5,12); INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Aldi','Snargaluff',600,11); INSERT INTO T2 VALUES ('Costco','Snargaluff',200,10);
Has from , without toT2 | make-series PriceAvg=avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase from 10 to 15 step 1.0 by Supplier, Fruit;
Without from , has toT2 | make-series PriceAvg=avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase from 10 step 1.0 by Supplier, Fruit;
Without from , without toT2 | make-series PriceAvg=avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase to 18 step 4.0 by Supplier, Fruit;
Without by clauseT2 | make-series PriceAvg=avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase step 2.0 by Supplier, Fruit;
T2 | make-series PriceAvg=avg(Price) default=0 on Purchase step 2.0;
Aggregate Functions
print bin(4.5, 1)
print bin(time(16d), 7d)
print bin(datetime(1970-05-11 13:45:07), 1d)
Customers | summarize t = stdev(Age) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = stdevif(Age, Age < 10) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = binary_all_and(Age) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = binary_all_or(Age) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = binary_all_xor(Age) by FirstName
Customers | summarize percentiles(Age, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70) by FirstName
DataTable | summarize t = percentilesw(Bucket, Frequency, 50, 75, 99.9)
Customers | summarize t = percentile(Age, 50) by FirstName
DataTable | summarize t = percentilew(Bucket, Frequency, 50)
Dynamic functions
Only support the constant dynamic array.
Returns an array. So, each element of the input has to be of same datatype.
print t = array_sort_asc(dynamic([null, 'd', 'a', 'c', 'c']))
print t = array_sort_asc(dynamic([4, 1, 3, 2]))
print t = array_sort_asc(dynamic(['b', 'a', 'c']), dynamic(['q', 'p', 'r']))
print t = array_sort_asc(dynamic(['q', 'p', 'r']), dynamic(['clickhouse','hello', 'world']))
print t = array_sort_asc( dynamic(['d', null, 'a', 'c', 'c']) , false)
print t = array_sort_asc( dynamic(['d', null, 'a', 'c', 'c']) , 1 > 2)
print t = array_sort_asc( dynamic([null, 'd', null, null, 'a', 'c', 'c', null, null, null]) , false)
print t = array_sort_asc( dynamic([null, null, null]) , false)
print t = array_sort_asc(dynamic([2, 1, null,3]), dynamic([20, 10, 40, 30]), 1 > 2)
print t = array_sort_asc(dynamic([2, 1, null,3]), dynamic([20, 10, 40, 30, 50, 3]), 1 > 2)
array_sort_desc (only support the constant dynamic array)
print t = array_sort_desc(dynamic([null, 'd', 'a', 'c', 'c']))
print t = array_sort_desc(dynamic([4, 1, 3, 2]))
print t = array_sort_desc(dynamic(['b', 'a', 'c']), dynamic(['q', 'p', 'r']))
print t = array_sort_desc(dynamic(['q', 'p', 'r']), dynamic(['clickhouse','hello', 'world']))
print t = array_sort_desc( dynamic(['d', null, 'a', 'c', 'c']) , false)
print t = array_sort_desc( dynamic(['d', null, 'a', 'c', 'c']) , 1 > 2)
print t = array_sort_desc( dynamic([null, 'd', null, null, 'a', 'c', 'c', null, null, null]) , false)
print t = array_sort_desc( dynamic([null, null, null]) , false)
print t = array_sort_desc(dynamic([2, 1, null, 3]), dynamic([20, 10, 40, 30]), 1 > 2)
print t = array_sort_desc(dynamic([2, 1, null,3, null]), dynamic([20, 10, 40, 30, 50, 3]), 1 > 2)
print array_concat(dynamic([1, 2, 3]), dynamic([4, 5]), dynamic([6, 7, 8, 9])) == dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
array_iff / array_iif
print array_iif(dynamic([true, false, true]), dynamic([1, 2, 3]), dynamic([4, 5, 6])) == dynamic([1, 5, 3])
print array_iif(dynamic([true, false, true]), dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4]), dynamic([4, 5, 6])) == dynamic([1, 5, 3])
print array_iif(dynamic([true, false, true, false]), dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4]), dynamic([4, 5, 6])) == dynamic([1, 5, 3, null])
print array_iif(dynamic([1, 0, -1, 44, 0]), dynamic([1, 2, 3, 4]), dynamic([4, 5, 6])) == dynamic([1, 5, 3, 4, null])
print array_slice(dynamic([1,2,3]), 1, 2) == dynamic([2, 3])
print array_slice(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), 2, -1) == dynamic([3, 4, 5])
print array_slice(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), -3, -2) == dynamic([3, 4])
print array_split(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), 2) == dynamic([[1,2],[3,4,5]])
print array_split(dynamic([1,2,3,4,5]), dynamic([1,3])) == dynamic([[1],[2,3],[4,5]])
print ago(2h)
print endofday(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), -1)
print endofday(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 1)
print endofday(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17))
print endofmonth(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), -1)
print endofmonth(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 1)
print endofmonth(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17))
print endofweek(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 1)
print endofweek(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), -1)
print endofweek(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17))
print endofyear(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), -1)
print endofyear(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 1)
print endofyear(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17))
print make_datetime(2017,10,01)
print make_datetime(2017,10,01,12,10)
print make_datetime(2017,10,01,12,11,0.1234567)
print datetime_diff('year',datetime(2017-01-01),datetime(2000-12-31))
print datetime_diff('quarter',datetime(2017-07-01),datetime(2017-03-30))
print datetime_diff('minute',datetime(2017-10-30 23:05:01),datetime(2017-10-30 23:00:59))
print unixtime_microseconds_todatetime(1546300800000000)
print unixtime_milliseconds_todatetime(1546300800000)
print unixtime_nanoseconds_todatetime(1546300800000000000)
print datetime_part('day', datetime(2017-10-30 01:02:03.7654321))
print datetime_add('day',1,datetime(2017-10-30 01:02:03.7654321))
print format_timespan(time(1d), 'd-[hh:mm:ss]')
print format_timespan(time('12:30:55.123'), 'ddddd-[hh:mm:ss.ffff]')
print format_datetime(todatetime('2009-06-15T13:45:30.6175425'), 'yy-M-dd [H:mm:ss.fff]')
print format_datetime(datetime(2015-12-14 02:03:04.12345), 'y-M-d h:m:s tt')
print todatetime('2014-05-25T08:20:03.123456Z')
print todatetime('2014-05-25 20:03.123')
[totimespan] (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/totimespanfunction)
print totimespan('0.01:34:23')
print totimespan(1d)
August 15, 2022
double quote support
print res = strcat("double ","quote")
Aggregate functions
print res = bin_at(6.5, 2.5, 7)
print res = bin_at(1h, 1d, 12h)
print res = bin_at(datetime(2017-05-15 10:20:00.0), 1d, datetime(1970-01-01 12:00:00.0))
print res = bin_at(datetime(2017-05-17 10:20:00.0), 7d, datetime(2017-06-04 00:00:00.0))
Supports only basic lookup. Do not support start_index, length and occurrence
print output = array_index_of(dynamic(['John', 'Denver', 'Bob', 'Marley']), 'Marley')
print output = array_index_of(dynamic([1, 2, 3]), 2)
print output = array_sum(dynamic([2, 5, 3]))
print output = array_sum(dynamic([2.5, 5.5, 3]))
print output = array_length(dynamic(['John', 'Denver', 'Bob', 'Marley']))
print output = array_length(dynamic([1, 2, 3]))
tobool / toboolean
print tobool(true) == true
print toboolean(false) == false
print tobool(0) == false
print toboolean(19819823) == true
print tobool(-2) == true
print isnull(toboolean('a'))
print tobool('true') == true
print toboolean('false') == false
todouble / toreal
print todouble(4) == 4
print toreal(4.2) == 4.2
print isnull(todouble('a'))
print toreal('-0.3') == -0.3
print isnull(toint('a'))
print toint(4) == 4
print toint('4') == 4
print isnull(toint(4.2))
print tostring(123) == '123'
print tostring('asd') == 'asd'
Data Types
Supports only 1D array
print output = dynamic(['a', 'b', 'c'])
print output = dynamic([1, 2, 3])
print bool(1)
print boolean(0)
print datetime(2015-12-31 23:59:59.9)
print datetime('2015-12-31 23:59:59.9')
print datetime("2015-12-31:)
print guid(74be27de-1e4e-49d9-b579-fe0b331d3642)
print guid('74be27de-1e4e-49d9-b579-fe0b331d3642')
print guid('74be27de1e4e49d9b579fe0b331d3642')
print int(1)
print long(16)
print real(1)
timespan ,time
Note the timespan is used for calculating datatime, so the output is in seconds. e.g. time(1h) = 3600print 1d
print 30m
print time('0.12:34:56.7')
print time(2h)
print timespan(2h)
- base64_encode_fromguid
print Quine = base64_encode_fromguid('ae3133f2-6e22-49ae-b06a-16e6a9b212eb')
- base64_decode_toarray
print base64_decode_toarray('S3VzdG8=')
- base64_decode_toguid
print base64_decode_toguid('YWUzMTMzZjItNmUyMi00OWFlLWIwNmEtMTZlNmE5YjIxMmVi')
- replace_regex
print replace_regex('Hello, World!', '.', '\\0\\0')
- has_any_index
print idx = has_any_index('this is an example', dynamic(['this', 'example']))
- translate
print translate('krasp', 'otsku', 'spark')
- trim
print trim('--', '--https://bing.com--')
- trim_end
print trim_end('.com', 'bing.com')
- trim_start
print trim_start('[^\\w]+', strcat('- ','Te st1','// $'))
print startofyear(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), -1)
print startofyear(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 0)
print startofyear(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 1)
print week_of_year(datetime(2020-12-31))
print week_of_year(datetime(2020-06-15))
print week_of_year(datetime(1970-01-01))
print week_of_year(datetime(2000-01-01))
print startofweek(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), -1)
print startofweek(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 0)
print startofweek(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 1)
print startofmonth(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), -1)
print startofmonth(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 0)
print startofmonth(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 1)
print startofday(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), -1)
print startofday(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 0)
print startofday(datetime(2017-01-01 10:10:17), 1)
print monthofyear(datetime("2015-12-14"))
print hourofday(datetime(2015-12-14 18:54:00))
print getyear(datetime(2015-10-12))
print getmonth(datetime(2015-10-12))
print dayofyear(datetime(2015-12-14))
print (datetime(2015-12-14))
print unixtime_seconds_todatetime(1546300800)
print dayofweek(datetime(2015-12-20))
print now()
print now(2d)
print now(-2h)
print now(5microseconds)
print now(5seconds)
print now(6minutes)
print now(-2d)
print now(time(1d))
Binary functions
- binary_and
print binary_and(15, 3) == 3
print binary_and(1, 2) == 0
- binary_not
print binary_not(1) == -2
- binary_or
print binary_or(3, 8) == 11
print binary_or(1, 2) == 3
- binary_shift_left
print binary_shift_left(1, 1) == 2
print binary_shift_left(1, 64) == 1
- binary_shift_right
print binary_shift_right(1, 1) == 0
print binary_shift_right(1, 64) == 1
- binary_xor
print binary_xor(1, 3) == 2
- bitset_count_ones
print bitset_count_ones(42) == 3
IP functions
- format_ipv4
print format_ipv4('', 24) == ''
print format_ipv4(3232236031, 24) == ''
- format_ipv4_mask
print format_ipv4_mask('', 24) == ''
print format_ipv4_mask(3232236031, 24) == ''
- ipv4_compare
print ipv4_compare('', '') == 0
print ipv4_compare('', '') < 0
print ipv4_compare('', '') == 0
print ipv4_compare('', '', 24) == 0
- ipv4_is_match
print ipv4_is_match('', '') == true
print ipv4_is_match('', '') == false
print ipv4_is_match('', '') == true
print ipv4_is_match('', '', 24) == true
- ipv6_compare
print ipv6_compare('::ffff:7f00:1', '') == 0
print ipv6_compare('fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7994', 'fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7995') < 0
print ipv6_compare('', '') == 0
print ipv6_compare('fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7994/127', 'fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7995/127') == 0
print ipv6_compare('fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7994', 'fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7995', 127) == 0
- ipv6_is_match
print ipv6_is_match('::ffff:7f00:1', '') == true
print ipv6_is_match('fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7994', 'fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7995') == false
print ipv6_is_match('', '') == true
print ipv6_is_match('fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7994/127', 'fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7995/127') == true
print ipv6_is_match('fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7994', 'fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7995', 127) == true
- parse_ipv4_mask
print parse_ipv4_mask('', 24) == 2130706432
print parse_ipv4_mask('', 31) == 3221334018
print parse_ipv4_mask('', 31) == 3221334018
print parse_ipv4_mask('', 32) == 2130838276
- parse_ipv6_mask
print parse_ipv6_mask('', 24) == '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:7f00:0000'
print parse_ipv6_mask('fe80::85d:e82c:9446:7994', 120) == 'fe80:0000:0000:0000:085d:e82c:9446:7900'
August 1, 2022
The config setting to allow modify dialect setting.
- Set dialect setting in server configuration XML at user level(
). This sets thedialect
at server startup and CH will do query parsing for all users withdefault
profile according to dialect value.
For example:
<profiles> <!-- Default settings. --> <default> <load_balancing>random</load_balancing> <dialect>kusto</dialect> </default>
Query can be executed with HTTP client as below once dialect is set in users.xml
echo "KQL query" | curl -sS "http://localhost:8123/?" --data-binary @-
To execute the query using clickhouse-client , Update clickhouse-client.xml as below and connect clickhouse-client with --config-file option (
clickhouse-client --config-file=<config-file path>
)<config> <dialect>kusto</dialect> </config>
pass dialect setting with '--'. For example :
clickhouse-client --dialect='kusto' -q "KQL query"
strcmp (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/strcmpfunction)
print strcmp('abc','ABC')
parse_url (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/parseurlfunction)
print Result = parse_url('scheme://username:password@www.google.com:1234/this/is/a/path?k1=v1&k2=v2#fragment')
parse_urlquery (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/parseurlqueryfunction)
print Result = parse_urlquery('k1=v1&k2=v2&k3=v3')
print operator (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/printoperator)
print x=1, s=strcat('Hello', ', ', 'World!')
Aggregate Functions:
Customers | summarize t = make_list(FirstName) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = make_list(FirstName, 10) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = make_list_if(FirstName, Age > 10) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = make_list_if(FirstName, Age > 10, 10) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = make_list_with_nulls(Age) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = make_set(FirstName) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = make_set(FirstName, 10) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = make_set_if(FirstName, Age > 10) by FirstName
Customers | summarize t = make_set_if(FirstName, Age > 10, 10) by FirstName
IP functions
- The following functions now support arbitrary expressions as their argument:
July 17, 2022
Renamed dialect from sql_dialect to dialect
set dialect='clickhouse'
set dialect='kusto'
IP functions
- parse_ipv4
"Customers | project parse_ipv4('')"
- parse_ipv6
"Customers | project parse_ipv6('')"
Please note that the functions listed below only take constant parameters for now. Further improvement is to be expected to support expressions.
- ipv4_is_private
"Customers | project ipv4_is_private('')"
"Customers | project ipv4_is_private('')"
- ipv4_is_in_range
"Customers | project ipv4_is_in_range('', '')"
"Customers | project ipv4_is_in_range('', '')"
- ipv4_netmask_suffix
"Customers | project ipv4_netmask_suffix('')"
"Customers | project ipv4_netmask_suffix('')"
string functions
support subquery for
orerator (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/in-cs-operator)
(subquery need to be wrapped with bracket inside bracket)Customers | where Age in ((Customers|project Age|where Age < 30))
Note: case-insensitive not supported yet -
has_all (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/has-all-operator)
Customers|where Occupation has_any ('Skilled','abcd')
note : subquery not supported yet -
has _any (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/has-anyoperator)
Customers|where Occupation has_all ('Skilled','abcd')
note : subquery not supported yet -
countof (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/countoffunction)
Customers | project countof('The cat sat on the mat', 'at')
Customers | project countof('The cat sat on the mat', 'at', 'normal')
Customers | project countof('The cat sat on the mat', 'at', 'regex')
extract ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/extractfunction)
Customers | project extract('(\\b[A-Z]+\\b).+(\\b\\d+)', 0, 'The price of PINEAPPLE ice cream is 20')
Customers | project extract('(\\b[A-Z]+\\b).+(\\b\\d+)', 1, 'The price of PINEAPPLE ice cream is 20')
Customers | project extract('(\\b[A-Z]+\\b).+(\\b\\d+)', 2, 'The price of PINEAPPLE ice cream is 20')
Customers | project extract('(\\b[A-Z]+\\b).+(\\b\\d+)', 3, 'The price of PINEAPPLE ice cream is 20')
Customers | project extract('(\\b[A-Z]+\\b).+(\\b\\d+)', 2, 'The price of PINEAPPLE ice cream is 20', typeof(real))
extract_all (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/extractallfunction)
Customers | project extract_all('(\\w)(\\w+)(\\w)','The price of PINEAPPLE ice cream is 20')
note: captureGroups not supported yet -
split (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/splitfunction)
Customers | project split('aa_bb', '_')
Customers | project split('aaa_bbb_ccc', '_', 1)
Customers | project split('', '_')
Customers | project split('a__b', '_')
Customers | project split('aabbcc', 'bb')
strcat_delim (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/strcat-delimfunction)
Customers | project strcat_delim('-', '1', '2', 'A') , 1s)
Customers | project strcat_delim('-', '1', '2', strcat('A','b'))
note: only support string now. -
indexof (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/indexoffunction)
Customers | project indexof('abcdefg','cde')
Customers | project indexof('abcdefg','cde',2)
Customers | project indexof('abcdefg','cde',6)
note: length and occurrence not supported yet
July 4, 2022
- default is
set sql_dialect='clickhouse'
- only process kql
set sql_dialect='kusto'
KQL() function
create table
CREATE TABLE kql_table4 ENGINE = Memory AS select *, now() as new_column From kql(Customers | project LastName,Age);
verify the content ofkql_table
select * from kql_table
insert into table
create a tmp table:CREATE TABLE temp ( FirstName Nullable(String), LastName String, Age Nullable(UInt8) ) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO temp select * from kql(Customers|project FirstName,LastName,Age);
verify the content oftemp
select * from temp
Select from kql()
Select * from kql(Customers|project FirstName)
KQL operators:
- Tabular expression statements
- Select Column
Customers | project FirstName,LastName,Occupation
- Limit returned results
Customers | project FirstName,LastName,Occupation | take 1 | take 3
- sort, order
Customers | order by Age desc , FirstName asc
- Filter
Customers | where Occupation == 'Skilled Manual'
- summarize
Customers |summarize max(Age) by Occupation
KQL string operators and functions
Customers |where Education contains 'degree'
Customers |where Education !contains 'degree'
Customers |where Education contains 'Degree'
Customers |where Education !contains 'Degree'
Customers | where FirstName endswith 'RE'
Customers | where !FirstName endswith 'RE'
Customers | where FirstName endswith_cs 're'
Customers | where FirstName !endswith_cs 're'
Customers | where Occupation == 'Skilled Manual'
Customers | where Occupation != 'Skilled Manual'
Customers | where Occupation has 'skilled'
Customers | where Occupation !has 'skilled'
Customers | where Occupation has 'Skilled'
Customers | where Occupation !has 'Skilled'
Customers | where Occupation hasprefix_cs 'Ab'
Customers | where Occupation !hasprefix_cs 'Ab'
Customers | where Occupation hasprefix_cs 'ab'
Customers | where Occupation! hasprefix_cs 'ab'
Customers | where Occupation hassuffix 'Ent'
Customers | where Occupation !hassuffix 'Ent'
Customers | where Occupation hassuffix 'ent'
Customers | where Occupation hassuffix 'ent'
Customers |where Education in ('Bachelors','High School')
Customers | where Education !in ('Bachelors','High School')
matches regex
Customers | where FirstName matches regex 'P.*r'
Customers | where FirstName startswith 'pet'
Customers | where FirstName !startswith 'pet'
Customers | where FirstName startswith_cs 'pet'
Customers | where FirstName !startswith_cs 'pet'
Customers | project base64_encode_tostring('Kusto1') | take 1
Customers | project base64_decode_tostring('S3VzdG8x') | take 1
Customers | where isempty(LastName)
Customers | where isnotempty(LastName)
Customers | where isnotnull(FirstName)
Customers | where isnull(FirstName)
Customers | project url_decode('https%3A%2F%2Fwww.test.com%2Fhello%20word') | take 1
Customers | project url_encode('https://www.test.com/hello word') | take 1
Customers | project name_abbr = strcat(substring(FirstName,0,3), ' ', substring(LastName,2))
Customers | project name = strcat(FirstName, ' ', LastName)
Customers | project FirstName, strlen(FirstName)
Customers | project strrep(FirstName,2,'_')
Customers | project toupper(FirstName)
Customers | project tolower(FirstName)
Aggregate Functions
- arg_max()
- arg_min()
- avg()
- avgif()
- count()
- countif()
- max()
- maxif()
- min()
- minif()
- sum()
- sumif()
- dcount()
- dcountif()
- bin