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Dictionary Key and Fields

The <structure> clause describes the dictionary key and fields available for queries.

Overall structure:


            <!-- Attribute parameters -->



Columns are described in the structure:


ClickHouse supports the following types of keys:

  • Numeric key. UInt64. Defined in the tag <id> .
  • Composite key. Set of values of different types. Defined in the tag <key> .

A structure can contain either <id> or <key> .

!!! warning The key doesn't need to be defined separately in attributes.

Numeric Key

Type: UInt64.

Configuration example:


Configuration fields:

  • name The name of the column with keys.

Composite Key

The key can be a tuple from any types of fields. The layout in this case must be complex_key_hashed or complex_key_cache.

!!! tip A composite key can consist of a single element. This makes it possible to use a string as the key, for instance.

The key structure is set in the element <key>. Key fields are specified in the same format as the dictionary attributes. Example:


For a query to the dictGet* function, a tuple is passed as the key. Example: dictGetString('dict_name', 'attr_name', tuple('string for field1', num_for_field2)).


Configuration example:


Configuration fields:

Tag Description Required
name Column name. Yes
type ClickHouse data type.
ClickHouse tries to cast value from dictionary to the specified data type. For example, for MySQL, the field might be TEXT, VARCHAR, or BLOB in the MySQL source table, but it can be uploaded as String in ClickHouse.
Nullable is not supported.
null_value Default value for a non-existing element.
In the example, it is an empty string. You cannot use NULL in this field.
expression Expression that ClickHouse executes on the value.
The expression can be a column name in the remote SQL database. Thus, you can use it to create an alias for the remote column.

Default value: no expression.
hierarchical Hierarchical support. Mirrored to the parent identifier.

Default value: false.
injective Flag that shows whether the id -> attribute image is injective.
If true, ClickHouse can automatically place after the GROUP BY clause the requests to dictionaries with injection. Usually it significantly reduces the amount of such requests.

Default value: false.
is_object_id Flag that shows whether the query is executed for a MongoDB document by ObjectID.

Default value: false.

Original article