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[![ClickHouse — open source distributed column-oriented DBMS](https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-presentations/raw/master/images/logo-400x240.png)](https://clickhouse.com)
ClickHouse® is an open-source column-oriented database management system that allows generating analytical data reports in real-time.
## How To Install (Linux, macOS, FreeBSD)
curl https://clickhouse.com/ | sh
## Useful Links
* [Official website](https://clickhouse.com/) has a quick high-level overview of ClickHouse on the main page.
* [ClickHouse Cloud](https://clickhouse.cloud) ClickHouse as a service, built by the creators and maintainers.
* [Tutorial](https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/getting_started/tutorial/) shows how to set up and query a small ClickHouse cluster.
* [Documentation](https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/) provides more in-depth information.
* [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/ClickHouseDB) has a lot of content about ClickHouse in video format.
* [Slack](https://clickhousedb.slack.com/) and [Telegram](https://telegram.me/clickhouse_en) allow chatting with ClickHouse users in real-time.
* [Blog](https://clickhouse.com/blog/) contains various ClickHouse-related articles, as well as announcements and reports about events.
* [Code Browser (Woboq)](https://clickhouse.com/codebrowser/ClickHouse/index.html) with syntax highlight and navigation.
* [Code Browser (github.dev)](https://github.dev/ClickHouse/ClickHouse) with syntax highlight, powered by github.dev.
* [Contacts](https://clickhouse.com/company/contact) can help to get your questions answered if there are any.
## Upcoming Events
* [**v23.2 Release Webinar**](https://clickhouse.com/company/events/v23-2-release-webinar?utm_source=github&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=release-webinar-2023-02) - Feb 23 - 23.2 is rapidly approaching. Original creator, co-founder, and CTO of ClickHouse Alexey Milovidov will walk us through the highlights of the release.
* [**ClickHouse Meetup in Amsterdam**](https://www.meetup.com/clickhouse-netherlands-user-group/events/291485868/) - Mar 9 - The first ClickHouse Amsterdam Meetup of 2023 is here! 🎉 Join us for short lightning talks and long discussions. Food, drinks & good times on us.
* [**ClickHouse Meetup in SF Bay Area**](https://www.meetup.com/clickhouse-silicon-valley-meetup-group/events/291490121/) - Mar 14 - A night to meet with ClickHouse team in the San Francisco area! Food and drink are a given...but networking is the primary focus.
* [**ClickHouse Meetup in Austin**](https://www.meetup.com/clickhouse-austin-user-group/events/291486654/) - Mar 16 - The first ClickHouse Meetup in Austin is happening soon! Interested in speaking, let us know!
## Recent Recordings
* **FOSDEM 2023**: In the "Fast and Streaming Data" room Alexey gave a talk entitled "Building Analytical Apps With ClickHouse" that looks at the landscape of data tools, an interesting data set, and how you can interact with data quickly. Check out the recording on **[YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlcI2Vfz_uk)**.
* **Recording available**: [**v23.1 Release Webinar**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYSZXBnTMSE) 23.1 is the ClickHouse New Year release. Original creator, co-founder, and CTO of ClickHouse Alexey Milovidov will walk us through the highlights of the release. Inverted indices, query cache, and so -- very -- much more.