2024-07-08 06:20:10 +02:00

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/en/sql-reference/window-functions/lagInFrame lagInFrame 5


Return a value evaluated at the row that is at a specified physical offset before the current row within the ordered frame. The offset parameter, if not specified, defaults to 1, meaning it will fetch the value from the next row. If the calculated row exceeds the boundaries of the window frame, the specified default value is returned.


lagInFrame(x[, offset[, default]])
  OVER ([[PARTITION BY grouping_column] [ORDER BY sorting_column] 
        [ROWS or RANGE expression_to_bound_rows_withing_the_group]] | [window_name])
FROM table_name
WINDOW window_name as ([[PARTITION BY grouping_column] [ORDER BY sorting_column])

For more detail on window function syntax see: Window Functions - Syntax.


  • x — Column name.
  • offset — Offset to apply. (U)Int*. (Optional - 1 by default).
  • default — Value to return if calculated row exceeds the boundaries of the window frame. (Optional - null by default).

Returned value

  • Value evaluated at the row that is at a specified physical offset before the current row within the ordered frame.


This example looks at historical data for a specific stock and uses the lagInFrame function to calculate a day-to-day delta and percentage change in the closing price of the stock.


CREATE TABLE stock_prices
    `date`   Date,
    `open`   Float32, -- opening price
    `high`   Float32, -- daily high
    `low`    Float32, -- daily low
    `close`  Float32, -- closing price
    `volume` UInt32   -- trade volume
Engine = Memory;

INSERT INTO stock_prices FORMAT Values
    ('2024-06-03', 113.62, 115.00, 112.00, 115.00, 438392000),
    ('2024-06-04', 115.72, 116.60, 114.04, 116.44, 403324000),
    ('2024-06-05', 118.37, 122.45, 117.47, 122.44, 528402000),
    ('2024-06-06', 124.05, 125.59, 118.32, 121.00, 664696000),
    ('2024-06-07', 119.77, 121.69, 118.02, 120.89, 412386000);
    lagInFrame(close, 1, close) OVER (ORDER BY date ASC) AS previous_day_close,
    COALESCE(ROUND(close - previous_day_close, 2)) AS delta,
    COALESCE(ROUND((delta / previous_day_close) * 100, 2)) AS percent_change
FROM stock_prices


1. │ 2024-06-07 │ 120.89 │                121 │ -0.11 │          -0.09 │
2. │ 2024-06-06 │    121 │             122.44 │ -1.44 │          -1.18 │
3. │ 2024-06-05 │ 122.44 │             116.44 │     6 │           5.15 │
4. │ 2024-06-04 │ 116.44 │                115 │  1.44 │           1.25 │
5. │ 2024-06-03 │    115 │                115 │     0 │              0 │