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When to use clickhouse-local vs. ClickHouse

clickhouse-local is an easy-to-use version of ClickHouse that is ideal for developers who need to perform fast processing on local and remote files using SQL without having to install a full database server. With clickhouse-local, developers can use SQL commands (using the ClickHouse SQL dialect) directly from the command line, providing a simple and efficient way to access ClickHouse features without the need for a full ClickHouse installation. One of the main benefits of clickhouse-local is that it is already included when installing clickhouse-client. This means that developers can get started with clickhouse-local quickly, without the need for a complex installation process.

While clickhouse-local is a great tool for development and testing purposes, and for processing files, it is not suitable for serving end users or applications. In these scenarios, it is recommended to use the open-source ClickHouse. ClickHouse is a powerful OLAP database that is designed to handle large-scale analytical workloads. It provides fast and efficient processing of complex queries on large datasets, making it ideal for use in production environments where high-performance is critical. Additionally, ClickHouse offers a wide range of features such as replication, sharding, and high availability, which are essential for scaling up to handle large datasets and serving applications. If you need to handle larger datasets or serve end users or applications, we recommend using open-source ClickHouse instead of clickhouse-local.

Please read the docs below that show example use cases for clickhouse-local, such as querying local CSVs or reading a parquet file in S3.

Download clickhouse-local

clickhouse-local is executed using the same clickhouse binary that runs the ClickHouse server and clickhouse-client. The easiest way to download the latest version is with the following command:

curl | sh

:::note The binary you just downloaded can run all sorts of ClickHouse tools and utilities. If you want to run ClickHouse as a database server, check out the Quick Start. :::

Query data in a CSV file using SQL

A common use of clickhouse-local is to run ad-hoc queries on files: where you don't have to insert the data into a table. clickhouse-local can stream the data from a file into a temporary table and execute your SQL.

If the file is sitting on the same machine as clickhouse-local, use the file table engine. The following reviews.tsv file contains a sampling of Amazon product reviews:

./clickhouse local -q "SELECT * FROM file('reviews.tsv')"

ClickHouse knows the file uses a tab-separated format from filename extension. If you need to explicitly specify the format, simply add one of the many ClickHouse input formats:

./clickhouse local -q "SELECT * FROM file('reviews.tsv', 'TabSeparated')"

The file table function creates a table, and you can use DESCRIBE to see the inferred schema:

./clickhouse local -q "DESCRIBE file('reviews.tsv')"
marketplace	Nullable(String)
customer_id	Nullable(Int64)
review_id	Nullable(String)
product_id	Nullable(String)
product_parent	Nullable(Int64)
product_title	Nullable(String)
product_category	Nullable(String)
star_rating	Nullable(Int64)
helpful_votes	Nullable(Int64)
total_votes	Nullable(Int64)
vine	Nullable(String)
verified_purchase	Nullable(String)
review_headline	Nullable(String)
review_body	Nullable(String)
review_date	Nullable(Date)

Let's find a product with the highest rating:

./clickhouse local -q "SELECT
FROM file('reviews.tsv')"
Monopoly Junior Board Game	5

Query data in a Parquet file in AWS S3

If you have a file in S3, use clickhouse-local and the s3 table function to query the file in place (without inserting the data into a ClickHouse table). We have a file named house_0.parquet in a public bucket that contains home prices of property sold in the United Kingdom. Let's see how many rows it has:

./clickhouse local -q "
SELECT count()
FROM s3('')"

The file has 2.7M rows:


It's always useful to see what the inferred schema that ClickHouse determines from the file:

./clickhouse local -q "DESCRIBE s3('')"
price	Nullable(Int64)
date	Nullable(UInt16)
postcode1	Nullable(String)
postcode2	Nullable(String)
type	Nullable(String)
is_new	Nullable(UInt8)
duration	Nullable(String)
addr1	Nullable(String)
addr2	Nullable(String)
street	Nullable(String)
locality	Nullable(String)
town	Nullable(String)
district	Nullable(String)
county	Nullable(String)

Let's see what the most expensive neighborhoods are:

./clickhouse local -q "
    count() AS c,
    round(avg(price)) AS price,
    bar(price, 0, 5000000, 100)
FROM s3('')
HAVING c >= 100
LONDON	CITY OF LONDON	886	2271305	█████████████████████████████████████████████▍
LEATHERHEAD	ELMBRIDGE	206	1176680	███████████████████████▌
LONDON	CITY OF WESTMINSTER	12577	1108221	██████████████████████▏
LONDON	KENSINGTON AND CHELSEA	8728	1094496	█████████████████████▉
HYTHE	FOLKESTONE AND HYTHE	130	1023980	████████████████████▍
CHALFONT ST GILES	CHILTERN	113	835754	████████████████▋
AMERSHAM	BUCKINGHAMSHIRE	113	799596	███████████████▉
VIRGINIA WATER	RUNNYMEDE	356	789301	███████████████▊
BARNET	ENFIELD	282	740514	██████████████▊
NORTHWOOD	THREE RIVERS	184	731609	██████████████▋

:::tip When you are ready to insert your files into ClickHouse, startup a ClickHouse server and insert the results of your file and s3 table functions into a MergeTree table. View the Quick Start for more details. :::


By default clickhouse-local has access to data of a ClickHouse server on the same host, and it does not depend on the server's configuration. It also supports loading server configuration using --config-file argument. For temporary data, a unique temporary data directory is created by default.

Basic usage (Linux):

$ clickhouse-local --structure "table_structure" --input-format "format_of_incoming_data" --query "query"

Basic usage (Mac):

$ ./clickhouse local --structure "table_structure" --input-format "format_of_incoming_data" --query "query"

:::note clickhouse-local is also supported on Windows through WSL2. :::


  • -S, --structure — table structure for input data.
  • --input-format — input format, TSV by default.
  • -f, --file — path to data, stdin by default.
  • -q, --query — queries to execute with ; as delimeter. You must specify either query or queries-file option.
  • --queries-file - file path with queries to execute. You must specify either query or queries-file option.
  • -N, --table — table name where to put output data, table by default.
  • --format, --output-format — output format, TSV by default.
  • -d, --database — default database, _local by default.
  • --stacktrace — whether to dump debug output in case of exception.
  • --echo — print query before execution.
  • --verbose — more details on query execution.
  • --logger.console — Log to console.
  • --logger.log — Log file name.
  • --logger.level — Log level.
  • --ignore-error — do not stop processing if a query failed.
  • -c, --config-file — path to configuration file in same format as for ClickHouse server, by default the configuration empty.
  • --no-system-tables — do not attach system tables.
  • --help — arguments references for clickhouse-local.
  • -V, --version — print version information and exit.

Also there are arguments for each ClickHouse configuration variable which are more commonly used instead of --config-file.


$ echo -e "1,2\n3,4" | clickhouse-local --structure "a Int64, b Int64" \
    --input-format "CSV" --query "SELECT * FROM table"
Read 2 rows, 32.00 B in 0.000 sec., 5182 rows/sec., 80.97 KiB/sec.
1   2
3   4

Previous example is the same as:

$ echo -e "1,2\n3,4" | clickhouse-local --query "
    CREATE TABLE table (a Int64, b Int64) ENGINE = File(CSV, stdin);
    SELECT a, b FROM table;
    DROP TABLE table"
Read 2 rows, 32.00 B in 0.000 sec., 4987 rows/sec., 77.93 KiB/sec.
1   2
3   4

You don't have to use stdin or --file argument, and can open any number of files using the file table function:

$ echo 1 | tee 1.tsv

$ echo 2 | tee 2.tsv

$ clickhouse-local --query "
    select * from file('1.tsv', TSV, 'a int') t1
    cross join file('2.tsv', TSV, 'b int') t2"
1	2

Now lets output memory user for each Unix user:


$ ps aux | tail -n +2 | awk '{ printf("%s\t%s\n", $1, $4) }' \
    | clickhouse-local --structure "user String, mem Float64" \
        --query "SELECT user, round(sum(mem), 2) as memTotal
            FROM table GROUP BY user ORDER BY memTotal DESC FORMAT Pretty"


Read 186 rows, 4.15 KiB in 0.035 sec., 5302 rows/sec., 118.34 KiB/sec.
┃ user     ┃ memTotal ┃
│ bayonet  │    113.5 │
│ root     │      8.8 │