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1 2024

2024 Changelog

ClickHouse release v23.8.10.43-lts (a278225bba) FIXME as compared to v23.8.9.54-lts (192a1d231f)


  • Backported in #58819: Add SYSTEM JEMALLOC PURGE for purging unused jemalloc pages, SYSTEM JEMALLOC [ ENABLE | DISABLE | FLUSH ] PROFILE for controlling jemalloc profile if the profiler is enabled. Add jemalloc-related 4LW command in Keeper: jmst for dumping jemalloc stats, jmfp, jmep, jmdp for controlling jemalloc profile if the profiler is enabled. #58665 (Antonio Andelic).
  • Backported in #60286: Copy S3 file GCP fallback to buffer copy in case GCP returned Internal Error with GATEWAY_TIMEOUT HTTP error code. #60164 (Maksim Kita).

Build/Testing/Packaging Improvement

  • Backported in #59879: If you want to run initdb scripts every time when ClickHouse container is starting you shoud initialize environment varible CLICKHOUSE_ALWAYS_RUN_INITDB_SCRIPTS. #59808 (Alexander Nikolaev).

Bug Fix (user-visible misbehavior in an official stable release)