* replace exit with assert in test_single_page * improve save_raw_single_page docs option * More grammar fixes * "Built from" link in new tab * fix mistype * Example of include in docs * add anchor to meeting form * Draft of translation helper * WIP on translation helper * Replace some fa docs content with machine translation * add normalize-en-markdown.sh * normalize some en markdown * normalize some en markdown * admonition support * normalize * normalize * normalize * support wide tables * normalize * normalize * normalize * normalize * normalize * normalize * normalize * normalize * normalize * normalize * normalize * normalize * normalize * lightly edited machine translation of introdpection.md * lightly edited machhine translation of lazy.md * WIP on translation utils * Normalize ru docs * Normalize other languages * some fixes * WIP on normalize/translate tools * add requirements.txt * [experimental] add es docs language as machine translated draft * remove duplicate script * Back to wider tab-stop (narrow renders not so well)
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我们可以将MapReduce这类的系统称为分布式计算系统,其reduce操作基于分布式排序。其中最常见的开源解决方案是 Apache Hadoop。 Yandex使用他们的内部解决方案YT。
大多数MapReduce系统允许您在集群上执行任意代码。但是,声明性查询语言更适合OLAP,以便快速运行实验。例如,Hadoop包含Hive和Pig,Cloudera Impala或Shark(过时)for Spark,以及Spark SQL、Presto和Apache Drill。与专业系统相比,运行此类任务时的性能非常不理想,所以将这些系统用作Web接口的后端服务是不现实的,因为延迟相对较高。
What to do if I have a problem with encodings when using Oracle through ODBC?
If you use Oracle through ODBC driver as a source of external dictionaries, you need to set up correctly value for the NLS_LANG
variable in the /etc/default/clickhouse
. For more details see the Oracle NLS_LANG FAQ.