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synced 2024-12-04 13:32:13 +00:00
- TSA is a static analyzer build by Google which finds race conditions and deadlocks at compile time. - It works by associating a shared member variable with a synchronization primitive that protects it. The compiler can then check at each access if proper locking happened before. A good introduction are [0] and [1]. - TSA requires some help by the programmer via annotations. Luckily, LLVM's libcxx already has annotations for std::mutex, std::lock_guard, std::shared_mutex and std::scoped_lock. This commit enables them (--> contrib/libcxx-cmake/CMakeLists.txt). - Further, this commit adds convenience macros for the low-level annotations for use in ClickHouse (--> base/defines.h). For demonstration, they are leveraged in a few places. - As we compile with "-Wall -Wextra -Weverything", the required compiler flag "-Wthread-safety-analysis" was already enabled. Negative checks are an experimental feature of TSA and disabled (--> cmake/warnings.cmake). Compile times did not increase noticeably. - TSA is used in a few places with simple locking. I tried TSA also where locking is more complex. The problem was usually that it is unclear which data is protected by which lock :-(. But there was definitely some weird code where locking looked broken. So there is some potential to find bugs. *** Limitations of TSA besides the ones listed in [1]: - The programmer needs to know which lock protects which piece of shared data. This is not always easy for large classes. - Two synchronization primitives used in ClickHouse are not annotated in libcxx: (1) std::unique_lock: A releaseable lock handle often together with std::condition_variable, e.g. in solve producer-consumer problems. (2) std::recursive_mutex: A re-entrant mutex variant. Its usage can be considered a design flaw + typically it is slower than a standard mutex. In this commit, one std::recursive_mutex was converted to std::mutex and annotated with TSA. - For free-standing functions (e.g. helper functions) which are passed shared data members, it can be tricky to specify the associated lock. This is because the annotations use the normal C++ rules for symbol resolution. [0] https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ThreadSafetyAnalysis.html [1] https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//pubs/archive/42958.pdf
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#pragma once
#include <libnuraft/log_store.hxx>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <Coordination/Changelog.h>
#include <Common/logger_useful.h>
#include <base/defines.h>
namespace DB
/// Wrapper around Changelog class. Implements RAFT log storage.
class KeeperLogStore : public nuraft::log_store
KeeperLogStore(const std::string & changelogs_path, uint64_t rotate_interval_, bool force_sync_, bool compress_logs_);
/// Read log storage from filesystem starting from last_commited_log_index
void init(uint64_t last_commited_log_index, uint64_t logs_to_keep);
uint64_t start_index() const override;
uint64_t next_slot() const override;
/// return last entry from log
nuraft::ptr<nuraft::log_entry> last_entry() const override;
/// Append new entry to log
uint64_t append(nuraft::ptr<nuraft::log_entry> & entry) override;
/// Remove all entries starting from index and write entry into index position
void write_at(uint64_t index, nuraft::ptr<nuraft::log_entry> & entry) override;
/// Return entries between [start, end)
nuraft::ptr<std::vector<nuraft::ptr<nuraft::log_entry>>> log_entries(uint64_t start, uint64_t end) override;
/// Return entry at index
nuraft::ptr<nuraft::log_entry> entry_at(uint64_t index) override;
/// Term if the index
uint64_t term_at(uint64_t index) override;
/// Serialize entries in interval [index, index + cnt)
nuraft::ptr<nuraft::buffer> pack(uint64_t index, int32_t cnt) override;
/// Apply serialized entries starting from index
void apply_pack(uint64_t index, nuraft::buffer & pack) override;
/// Entries from last_log_index can be removed from memory and from disk
bool compact(uint64_t last_log_index) override;
/// Call fsync to the stored data
bool flush() override;
/// Stop background cleanup thread in change
void shutdownChangelog();
/// Flush logstore and call shutdown of background thread in changelog
bool flushChangelogAndShutdown();
/// Current log storage size
uint64_t size() const;
/// Flush batch of appended entries
void end_of_append_batch(uint64_t start_index, uint64_t count) override;
/// Get entry with latest config in logstore
nuraft::ptr<nuraft::log_entry> getLatestConfigChange() const;
mutable std::mutex changelog_lock;
Poco::Logger * log;
Changelog changelog TSA_GUARDED_BY(changelog_lock);