2021-01-29 19:43:33 -05:00

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SRS-014 ClickHouse LDAP Role Mapping

Software Requirements Specification

Table of Contents

Revision History

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The SRS-007 ClickHouse Authentication of Users via LDAP added support for authenticating users using an LDAP server and the SRS-009 ClickHouse LDAP External User Directory added support for authenticating users using an LDAP external user directory.

This requirements specification adds additional functionality for mapping LDAP groups to the corresponding ClickHouse RBAC roles when LDAP external user directory is configured. This functionality will enable easier access management for LDAP authenticated users as the privileges granted by the roles can be granted or revoked by granting or revoking a corresponding LDAP group to one or more LDAP users.

For the use case when only LDAP user authentication is used, the roles can be managed using RBAC in the same way as for non-LDAP authenticated users.



  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol




version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support mapping of LDAP groups to RBAC roles for users authenticated using LDAP external user directory.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support mapping of LDAP groups to RBAC roles for users authenticated using LDAP external user directory when one or more roles are specified in the <roles> section.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL perform search on the LDAP server and map the results to RBAC role names when authenticating users using the LDAP external user directory if the <role_mapping> section is configured as part of the LDAP external user directory. The matched roles SHALL be assigned to the user.

Mapped Role Names


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support mapping LDAP search results for users authenticated using LDAP external user directory to an RBAC role that contains UTF-8 characters.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support mapping LDAP search results for users authenticated using LDAP external user directory to an RBAC role that has a name with more than 128 characters.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support mapping LDAP search results for users authenticated using LDAP external user directory to an RBAC role that has a name that contains special characters that need to be escaped in XML.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support mapping LDAP search results for users authenticated using LDAP external user directory to an RBAC role that has a name that contains special characters that need to be escaped in regex.

Multiple Roles


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support mapping one or more LDAP search results for users authenticated using LDAP external user directory to one or more RBAC role.

LDAP Groups


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL not assign RBAC role(s) for any users authenticated using LDAP external user directory if the corresponding LDAP group(s) that map those role(s) are removed. Any users that have active sessions SHALL still have privileges provided by the role(s) until the next time they are authenticated.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support authenticating users using LDAP external user directory when LDAP groups are removed and added at the same time as LDAP user authentications are performed in parallel.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL not assign RBAC role(s) for the user authenticated using LDAP external user directory if the user has been removed from the corresponding LDAP group(s) that map those role(s). Any active user sessions SHALL have privileges provided by the role(s) until the next time the user is authenticated.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support authenticating users using LDAP external user directory when LDAP users are added and removed from LDAP groups used to map to RBAC roles at the same time as LDAP user authentications are performed in parallel.

RBAC Roles


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL not reject authentication attempt using LDAP external user directory if any of the roles that are are mapped from LDAP but are not present locally.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL add the privileges provided by the LDAP mapped role when the role is not present during user authentication using LDAP external user directory as soon as the role is added.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL remove the privileges provided by the role from all the users authenticated using LDAP external user directory if the RBAC role that was mapped as a result of LDAP search is removed.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL reassign the RBAC role and add all the privileges provided by the role when it is re-added after removal for all LDAP users authenticated using external user directory for any role that was mapped as a result of LDAP search.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support authenticating users using LDAP external user directory when RBAC roles that are mapped by LDAP groups are added and removed at the same time as LDAP user authentications are performed in parallel.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL not allow any new roles to be assigned to any users authenticated using LDAP external user directory unless the role is specified in the configuration of the external user directory or was mapped as a result of LDAP search.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL add new privilege to all the users authenticated using LDAP external user directory when new privilege is added to one of the roles that were mapped as a result of LDAP search.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL remove privilege from all the users authenticated using LDAP external user directory when the privilege that was provided by the mapped role is removed from all the roles that were mapped as a result of LDAP search.



version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support parallel authentication of users using LDAP server when using LDAP external user directory that has role mapping enabled.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support authentication of valid users and prohibit authentication of invalid users using LDAP server in parallel without having invalid attempts affecting valid authentications when using LDAP external user directory that has role mapping enabled.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support parallel authentication of external LDAP users authenticated using multiple LDAP external user directories that have role mapping enabled.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support parallel authentication of users defined only locally when one or more LDAP external user directories with role mapping are specified in the configuration file.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support parallel authentication of local and external LDAP users authenticated using multiple LDAP external user directories with role mapping enabled.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support parallel authentication of the same external LDAP user authenticated using the same LDAP external user directory with role mapping enabled.

Server Configuration

BindDN Parameter


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the <bind_dn> parameter in the <ldap_servers><server_name> section of the config.xml that SHALL be used to construct the DN to bind to. The resulting DN SHALL be constructed by replacing all {user_name} substrings of the template with the actual user name during each authentication attempt.

For example,

            <!-- ... -->
            <!-- ... -->

version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL return an error if both <bind_dn> and <auth_dn_prefix> or <auth_dn_suffix> parameters are specified as part of LDAP server description in the <ldap_servers> section of the config.xml.

External User Directory Configuration



version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the role_mapping sub-section in the <user_directories><ldap> section of the config.xml.

For example,

            <!-- ... -->

Special Characters Escaping


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support properly escaped special XML characters that can be present as part of the values for different configuration parameters inside the <user_directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml such as

  • <search_filter> parameter
  • <prefix> parameter

Multiple Sections


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support multiple <role_mapping> sections defined inside the same <user_directories><ldap> section of the config.xml and all of the <role_mapping> sections SHALL be applied.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL not duplicate mapped roles when multiple <role_mapping> sections with identical parameters are defined inside the <user_directories><ldap> section of the config.xml.

BaseDN Parameter


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the <base_dn> parameter in the <user_directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml that SHALL specify the template to be used to construct the base DN for the LDAP search.

The resulting DN SHALL be constructed by replacing all the {user_name} and {bind_dn} substrings of the template with the actual user name and bind DN during each LDAP search.

Attribute Parameter


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the <attribute> parameter in the <user_directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml that SHALL specify the name of the attribute whose values SHALL be returned by the LDAP search.

Scope Parameter


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the <scope> parameter in the <user_directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml that SHALL define the scope of the LDAP search as defined by the


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the base value for the the <scope> parameter in the <user_directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml that SHALL limit the scope as specified by the


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the one_level value for the the <scope> parameter in the <user_directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml that SHALL limit the scope as specified by the


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the children value for the the <scope> parameter in the <user_directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml that SHALL limit the scope as specified by the


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the children value for the the <scope> parameter in the <user_directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml that SHALL limit the scope as specified by the


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the subtree as the default value for the the <scope> parameter in the <user_directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml when the <scope> parameter is not specified.

Search Filter Parameter


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the <search_filter> parameter in the <user_directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml that SHALL specify the template used to construct the LDAP filter for the search.

The resulting filter SHALL be constructed by replacing all {user_name}, {bind_dn}, and {base_dn} substrings of the template with the actual user name, bind DN, and base DN during each the LDAP search.

Prefix Parameter


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support the <prefix> parameter in the <user directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml that SHALL be expected to be in front of each string in the original list of strings returned by the LDAP search. Prefix SHALL be removed from the original strings and resulting strings SHALL be treated as RBAC role names.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support empty string as the default value of the <prefix> parameter in the <user directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support UTF8 characters as the value of the <prefix> parameter in the <user directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support XML special characters as the value of the <prefix> parameter in the <user directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml.


version: 1.0

ClickHouse SHALL support regex special characters as the value of the <prefix> parameter in the <user directories><ldap><role_mapping> section of the config.xml.
