BayoNet 361c0b8e59 New topic in the docs "Permissions for queries" (#3616)
* Update of english version of descriprion of the table function `file`.

* New syntax for ReplacingMergeTree.
Some improvements in text.

* Significantly change article about SummingMergeTree.
Article is restructured, text is changed in many places of the document. New syntax for table creation is described.

* Descriptions of AggregateFunction and AggregatingMergeTree are updated. Russian version.

* New syntax for new syntax of CREATE TABLE

* Added english docs on Aggregating, Replacing and SummingMergeTree.

* CollapsingMergeTree docs. English version.

* 1. Update of CollapsingMergeTree. 2. Minor changes in markup

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* GraphiteMergeTree docs update.
New syntax for creation of Replicated* tables.
Minor changes in *MergeTree tables creation syntax.

* Markup fix

* Markup and language fixes

* Clarification in the CollapsingMergeTree article

* DOCAPI-4821. Sync between ru and en versions of docs.

* Fixed the ambiguity in geo functions description.

* Example of JOIN in ru docs

* Deleted misinforming example.

* New topic 'Permissions for queries'

* Fixes for docs consistency.

* Self-targeting link.
2018-11-20 18:26:56 +03:00

13 KiB
Raw Blame History

Functions for working with arrays


Returns 1 for an empty array, or 0 for a non-empty array. The result type is UInt8. The function also works for strings.


Returns 0 for an empty array, or 1 for a non-empty array. The result type is UInt8. The function also works for strings.


Returns the number of items in the array. The result type is UInt64. The function also works for strings.

emptyArrayUInt8, emptyArrayUInt16, emptyArrayUInt32, emptyArrayUInt64

emptyArrayInt8, emptyArrayInt16, emptyArrayInt32, emptyArrayInt64

emptyArrayFloat32, emptyArrayFloat64

emptyArrayDate, emptyArrayDateTime


Accepts zero arguments and returns an empty array of the appropriate type.


Accepts an empty array and returns a one-element array that is equal to the default value.


Returns an array of numbers from 0 to N-1. Just in case, an exception is thrown if arrays with a total length of more than 100,000,000 elements are created in a data block.

array(x1, ...), operator [x1, ...]

Creates an array from the function arguments. The arguments must be constants and have types that have the smallest common type. At least one argument must be passed, because otherwise it isn't clear which type of array to create. That is, you can't use this function to create an empty array (to do that, use the 'emptyArray*' function described above). Returns an 'Array(T)' type result, where 'T' is the smallest common type out of the passed arguments.


Combines arrays passed as arguments.



  • arrays Arbitrary number of arguments of [Array][../../data_types/] type.


SELECT arrayConcat([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]) AS res
│ [1,2,3,4,5,6] │

arrayElement(arr, n), operator arr[n]

Get the element with the index n from the array arr. n must be any integer type. Indexes in an array begin from one. Negative indexes are supported. In this case, it selects the corresponding element numbered from the end. For example, arr[-1] is the last item in the array.

If the index falls outside of the bounds of an array, it returns some default value (0 for numbers, an empty string for strings, etc.).

has(arr, elem)

Checks whether the 'arr' array has the 'elem' element. Returns 0 if the the element is not in the array, or 1 if it is.

NULL is processed as a value.

SELECT has([1, 2, NULL], NULL)

┌─has([1, 2, NULL], NULL)─┐
│                       1 │


Checks whether one array is a subset of another.

hasAll(set, subset)


  • set Array of any type with a set of elements.
  • subset Array of any type with elements that should be tested to be a subset of set.

Return values

  • 1, if set contains all of the elements from subset.
  • 0, otherwise.

Peculiar properties

  • An empty array is a subset of any array.
  • Null processed as a value.
  • Order of values in both of arrays doesn't matter.


SELECT hasAll([], []) returns 1.

SELECT hasAll([1, Null], [Null]) returns 1.

SELECT hasAll([1.0, 2, 3, 4], [1, 3]) returns 1.

SELECT hasAll(['a', 'b'], ['a']) returns 1.

SELECT hasAll([1], ['a']) returns 0.

SELECT hasAll([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 2], [3, 5]]) returns 0.


Checks whether two arrays have intersection by some elements.

hasAny(array1, array2)


  • array1 Array of any type with a set of elements.
  • array2 Array of any type with a set of elements.

Return values

  • 1, if array1 and array2 have one similar element at least.
  • 0, otherwise.

Peculiar properties

  • Null processed as a value.
  • Order of values in both of arrays doesn't matter.


SELECT hasAny([1], []) returns 0.

SELECT hasAny([Null], [Null, 1]) returns 1.

SELECT hasAny([-128, 1., 512], [1]) returns 1.

SELECT hasAny([[1, 2], [3, 4]], ['a', 'c']) returns 0.

SELECT hasAll([[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 2], [1, 2]]) returns 1.

indexOf(arr, x)

Returns the index of the first 'x' element (starting from 1) if it is in the array, or 0 if it is not.


:) SELECT indexOf([1,3,NULL,NULL],NULL)

SELECT indexOf([1, 3, NULL, NULL], NULL)

┌─indexOf([1, 3, NULL, NULL], NULL)─┐
│                                 3 │

Elements set to NULL are handled as normal values.

countEqual(arr, x)

Returns the number of elements in the array equal to x. Equivalent to arrayCount (elem -> elem = x, arr).

NULL elements are handled as separate values.


SELECT countEqual([1, 2, NULL, NULL], NULL)

┌─countEqual([1, 2, NULL, NULL], NULL)─┐
│                                    2 │


Returns the array [1, 2, 3, ..., length (arr) ]

This function is normally used with ARRAY JOIN. It allows counting something just once for each array after applying ARRAY JOIN. Example:

    count() AS Reaches,
    countIf(num = 1) AS Hits
FROM test.hits
    arrayEnumerate(GoalsReached) AS num
WHERE CounterID = 160656
│   95606 │ 31406 │

In this example, Reaches is the number of conversions (the strings received after applying ARRAY JOIN), and Hits is the number of pageviews (strings before ARRAY JOIN). In this particular case, you can get the same result in an easier way:

    sum(length(GoalsReached)) AS Reaches,
    count() AS Hits
FROM test.hits
WHERE (CounterID = 160656) AND notEmpty(GoalsReached)
│   95606 │ 31406 │

This function can also be used in higher-order functions. For example, you can use it to get array indexes for elements that match a condition.

arrayEnumerateUniq(arr, ...)

Returns an array the same size as the source array, indicating for each element what its position is among elements with the same value. For example: arrayEnumerateUniq([10, 20, 10, 30]) = [1, 1, 2, 1].

This function is useful when using ARRAY JOIN and aggregation of array elements. Example:

    Goals.ID AS GoalID,
    sum(Sign) AS Reaches,
    sumIf(Sign, num = 1) AS Visits
FROM test.visits
    arrayEnumerateUniq(Goals.ID) AS num
WHERE CounterID = 160656
│   53225 │    3214 │   1097 │
│ 2825062 │    3188 │   1097 │
│   56600 │    2803 │    488 │
│ 1989037 │    2401 │    365 │
│ 2830064 │    2396 │    910 │
│ 1113562 │    2372 │    373 │
│ 3270895 │    2262 │    812 │
│ 1084657 │    2262 │    345 │
│   56599 │    2260 │    799 │
│ 3271094 │    2256 │    812 │

In this example, each goal ID has a calculation of the number of conversions (each element in the Goals nested data structure is a goal that was reached, which we refer to as a conversion) and the number of sessions. Without ARRAY JOIN, we would have counted the number of sessions as sum(Sign). But in this particular case, the rows were multiplied by the nested Goals structure, so in order to count each session one time after this, we apply a condition to the value of the arrayEnumerateUniq(Goals.ID) function.

The arrayEnumerateUniq function can take multiple arrays of the same size as arguments. In this case, uniqueness is considered for tuples of elements in the same positions in all the arrays.

SELECT arrayEnumerateUniq([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2]) AS res
│ [1,2,1,1,2,1] │

This is necessary when using ARRAY JOIN with a nested data structure and further aggregation across multiple elements in this structure.


Removes the last item from the array.



  • array Array.


SELECT arrayPopBack([1, 2, 3]) AS res
│ [1,2] │


Removes the first item from the array.



  • array Array.


SELECT arrayPopFront([1, 2, 3]) AS res
│ [2,3] │


Adds one item to the end of the array.

arrayPushBack(array, single_value)


  • array Array.
  • single_value A single value. Only numbers can be added to an array with numbers, and only strings can be added to an array of strings. When adding numbers, ClickHouse automatically sets the single_value type for the data type of the array. For more information about the types of data in ClickHouse, see "Data types". Can be NULL. The function adds a NULL element to an array, and the type of array elements converts to Nullable.


SELECT arrayPushBack(['a'], 'b') AS res
│ ['a','b'] │


Adds one element to the beginning of the array.

arrayPushFront(array, single_value)


  • array Array.
  • single_value A single value. Only numbers can be added to an array with numbers, and only strings can be added to an array of strings. When adding numbers, ClickHouse automatically sets the single_value type for the data type of the array. For more information about the types of data in ClickHouse, see "Data types". Can be NULL. The function adds a NULL element to an array, and the type of array elements converts to Nullable.


SELECT arrayPushBack(['b'], 'a') AS res
│ ['a','b'] │


Changes the length of the array.

arrayResize(array, size[, extender])


  • array — Array.
  • size — Required length of the array.
    • If size is less than the original size of the array, the array is truncated from the right.
  • If size is larger than the initial size of the array, the array is extended to the right with extender values or default values for the data type of the array items.
  • extender — Value for extending an array. Can be NULL.

Returned value:

An array of length size.

Examples of calls

SELECT arrayResize([1], 3)

┌─arrayResize([1], 3)─┐
│ [1,0,0]             │
SELECT arrayResize([1], 3, NULL)

┌─arrayResize([1], 3, NULL)─┐
│ [1,NULL,NULL]             │


Returns a slice of the array.

arraySlice(array, offset[, length])


  • array Array of data.
  • offset Indent from the edge of the array. A positive value indicates an offset on the left, and a negative value is an indent on the right. Numbering of the array items begins with 1.
  • length - The length of the required slice. If you specify a negative value, the function returns an open slice [offset, array_length - length). If you omit the value, the function returns the slice [offset, the_end_of_array].


SELECT arraySlice([1, 2, NULL, 4, 5], 2, 3) AS res
│ [2,NULL,4] │

Array elements set to NULL are handled as normal values.

arrayUniq(arr, ...)

If one argument is passed, it counts the number of different elements in the array. If multiple arguments are passed, it counts the number of different tuples of elements at corresponding positions in multiple arrays.

If you want to get a list of unique items in an array, you can use arrayReduce('groupUniqArray', arr).


A special function. See the section "ArrayJoin function".

Original article